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Our first radish harvest of fall. Left to right, French Breakfast, Cherry Belle, Helios, Purple Plum, and Pink Beauty

Wordless Wednesday: December Gardening

December gardening may not be a thing in northern and cold-winter climates, but we’re moving full steam ahead here in Southern California. The brassicas are going strong (so much so, the rats have discovered them) and everything grows with ease, it seems. Here’s some Wordless Wednesday inspiration for your next season, whether that’s now or next spring.

Green onions
Green onions sprout in close quarters. This will be our perennial green onion patch for the next 4 months. We only harvest the greens and leave the white parts and roots in the ground to reproduce. Works great, and it’s Low FODMAP!
First radish harvest
Our first radish harvest of fall. Left to right, French Breakfast, Cherry Belle, Helios, Purple Plum, and Pink Beauty
kale overhead
Our kale bed is comprised of 14 different varieties, including dinosaur types, curly, Siberian varieties, and more.
Lettuces mustard greens
Lettuces and mustard greens are up and running in the salad garden, featuring Osaka, Tatsoi, Mizuna, and Tennis Ball lettuce (from Monticello. See other crops in Thomas Jefferson’s garden here).
Pea massacre
The pea massacre. Rats nibbled them down despite our rat traps. We shall live to plant again.
eaten kohlrabi
Purple kohlrabi has been sampled by local vermin. We’re hoping the traps will keep them away but luck is not on our side.
Spinach sprouts
Noble, Verdil, and Bloomsdale spinach sprouts in the Test Garden
Cloches cover our parsnips seedlings as they send up true leaves.
canning beans
A batch of beans fresh from the pressure canner. Chickpeas, baby limas, and black beans. We’re prepping to make meals easier in case someone in the household gets Covid.
Cover crop peas
A cover crop of Green Arrow shelling peas pops up in a raised bed

This Wordless Wednesday is brought to you with the spirit of giving in mind. It’s perfectly acceptable to give home-grown produce as a gift this holiday season. Gifts from the garden are always in good taste.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Valerie Borel

    Now I don’t feel so much like the rats are singling me out.

    Thanks for the awesome photos, Christy!
    Hope you have a great 2021!

    1. Christy

      Hi Valerie! No, you’re not alone. Indeed we’re all in this together! Here’s to a great 2021!

  2. Barbara Heiman

    Thank you. Good humor regarding rats. So sympathize. I never could enjoy any of my potted crops on a balcony in Marina Del Rey due to a very healthy vegan rat.

    1. Christy

      Sorry to hear. They really jumped up reproduction during the pandemic. Fewer people around to scare them off.

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