Spring Vegetable Checklist

A little behind schedule here with our moving date fast approaching, but as promised, here is a list of what to plant in the vegetable patch this spring:

– start once, enjoy for a decade or so

Brassicas- Cabbages, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, Turnips, Kohlrabi, Rapini
(note – if it gets hot early in your area, you may want to have shade cloth handy to keep them from bolting. These veggies grow best in fall in Southern California because they like to start in warm weather and mature in cooler weather).

and other root crops like Parsnips and Radishes

Cucumbers  (later in the spring)

– one of my favorite things to grow at home

Herbs – Basil, Cilantro, Parsley, Chives, Oregano
, and others

and other greens you’d throw into a salad like Arugula, Spinach and Mustard greens

– watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, casaba, etc.

Onion Sets, Leeks, Shallots
and Green Onions


Potatoes – you’ve heard me say it – you haven’t lived until you’ve grown your own potatoes

(later in the spring)

Tomatoes (YEAH!)


This should get you started, but there are definitely more veggies out there to plant now that the weather is warming up.
Go crazy folks – it’s spring!


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