Tomato Cages – the Gardenerd Way

Those who signed up on the Gardenerd website and downloaded the Top 5 Organic Gardening Tips will appreciate this one.  A gardener wrote in today:

“What kind of store do you find the fencing for tomatoes? I don’t think they have it at Home Depot. Would it be more like a farm supply store or some kind of fencing company?”

Admittedly, I found my fencing in the exact size I needed in the discard pile at the community garden where I have a garden plot.  However, there is another person nearby who uses the same kind of fencing in his garden and I asked him where he got it.  His answer was Home Depot, but not in the department you would expect.

He said, “They [Home Depot] sell it in sheets that are approximately 7′-6″ by 4′-0″.  Look in the masonry/cement dept.  It is used to reinforce driveways when they pour the concrete.”

Special thanks to Dean Cleverdon for that handy tip.

So you will probably need to buy two sheets, depending on what size you want to make your tomato cages.  Keep us posted on how it goes.

Thanks for your question. 

This Post Has One Comment

  1. ellen

    Thanks so much! I would never have found it and your method seems to make so much sense…but the right fencing would be key.

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