Preserving Shallots
Shallots are a luxury. They're expensive and they don't store for long. So we grow them ourselves. But when it's time to harvest, that last part (about not storing for…
Shallots are a luxury. They're expensive and they don't store for long. So we grow them ourselves. But when it's time to harvest, that last part (about not storing for…
What is the best type of mulch to use?
Summer Solstice is almost here. The garden still needs attention, and evidence of the rewards close at hand are everywhere. Time to feed, weed and guide your plants along into…
You know it's summer when you see holes in your tomatoes. Tomato hornworms can ruin a perfectly good tomato plant (and experience). We're here to show you how to find…
The best control is to interrupt the life cycle with beneficial nematodes. Steinernema feltiae is a good nematode that eats over 230 different pests; it focuses on those that incubate…
Ah, pests. Here at Gardenerd, we like to say that having a garden without pests is like having children and expecting them to be well behaved all the time. It's…
Here's a question we get on occasion at Ask Gardenerd: "Many garden books and seed packets refer to timing in the garden in terms of the date of the last…
During the summer, that means squash, cucumbers, and melons, among other things. We leave nothing to chance when it comes to squash. We hand pollinate.
Use your thumb and index finger to rock the berry back and forth a little. If it’s ready it will separate easily. If it resists, leave if for another day.
We get this one a lot at Ask Gardenerd, so we thought it would be good to answer it in print: "Help! I just opened my compost to little tan…