Tomato Worms, Flies, and Flower Drop – Oh, My!
Several questions came in all at once from David this week. He asks, "How do I get rid of flies that like to hang around in my back yard and…
Several questions came in all at once from David this week. He asks, "How do I get rid of flies that like to hang around in my back yard and…
Today's post is from guest blogger, Maria Cannon. Maria has suffered from depression and anxiety, in addition to fibromyalgia, for years. Her hobbies--gardening, quilting, sewing, and knitting--play a major role…
We garden as an act of freedom. Our founding fathers gardened for sustenance. Whether we grow our own food for survival or to enjoy beauty around us, we are free…
Happy 4th of July! Are you sick of zucchini yet? Here at Gardenerd we strive to find new ways to use zucchini, many of which hide the ubiquitous fruit well.…
400+ Tips for Organic Gardening Success
A troubling question came into Ask Gardenerd this week from Jennifer: "I'm a new gardener (4 years), and EVERY SINGLE YEAR, vine borers eat my zucchini plants. But I keep…
Today's post is from guest blogger Randy Schultz from American Meadows. Butterflies need our help and in this article he suggests plants that provide habitat for these beautiful creatures. Take…
Recipe Guide for Baked Parmesan Zucchini
We're pleased to announce the arrival of 400+ Tips for Organic Gardening Success: A Decade of Tricks, Tools, Recipes, and Resources from It's been ten years in the making…