Life and death are a big part of gardening. We lost our 7-year-old Easter Egger, Ethel, a few weeks ago. To deal with the sadness, I took a page from a friend’s book who, when she lost her best furry friend, went straight out and got 2 more cats. We honored the ending of one life with new life.
Meet Eunice and Rhoda.

Eunice is an Easter Egger like her predecessor, and will lay blue or green eggs. Rhoda is a Rhode Island Red, and will lay brown eggs. If you can’t tell, we love quaint farm names for our hens. Soon we’ll be integrating these babies into the flock to join Mildred, Sylvia, Anabelle, and Olive.
Eunice explores her new waterer. Rhoda gets comfortable on top of her temporary coop.
To integrate them into the flock, we’ll place them into the roosting area of the coop at night while the ladies are sleeping (“like books on a shelf”, as our friend Ceebs Bailey says). They’ll wake up the next morning as part of the flock. Sure, they will be subject to the pecking order process, but the transition goes more smoothly this way.

These girls came to us at 10 weeks old. They’ll start laying around 18-20 weeks. We’ll post updates when that time comes. In the meanwhile, they’re pecking and scratching around the yard, and finding their voices.