This one is for Angelenos. If you don’t live here, go plant some seeds indoors and make sure all your tools are clean for spring. Soon it will be time to garden again.
Now, onward…

This Saturday, February 28, from 1-3p.m. I’ll be doling out free gardening advice at the Venice Green Expo. They have an Eco Genius Bar, where you can stop by and ask questions of several experts on hand. I’ll be answering gardening questions, so stop on by and visit.
While you’re there, take some time to learn about what you can do to lower your carbon footprint. EVs get free VIP parking, and there is an e-waste and battery recycling station on site. There will be some amazing, informative speakers as well.
Our friends at SLOLA will be there as well as a group of energetic folks from Transition Mar Vista/Venice. Learn about alternatives to our dollar economy and how to live in a post-peak-oil world. Find out how to start a seed library, and how we’re fighting to keep them legal in the US.
My friend, Paul Scott, will be talking about solar and electric energy options for homes and vehicles. Andy Lipkis from Tree People will be shaking the cage, reminding all of us to think outside the box when it comes to saving water and our earth.
The event runs from 12-6 p.m. and it’s free. Come on by, I hope to see you there.