If you have issues like powdery mildew and blight in your garden, chances are you need more good fungi in your soil to combat the bad fungi. Our latest YouTube video shows you one easy and free way to inoculate wood chips, which can be used later in your compost bin to create fungal-dominant compost for your garden. Fungal is good!

Dr. Elaine Ingham, who coined the phrase, “Soil Food Web,” recommended this trick, so we tested it out last summer and now the results are in. It works! Watch and find out how you can do this too:
To learn more about the Soil food Web and composting check out these blog posts:
Soil Food Web Intensive – Part 1
Soil Food Web Intensive – Part 2
Up Close & Personal with Compost

Fascinating! I’m ready to take a botany class. There is so much to learn.