Put Hot Stuff in Cold Storage

Got an overabundance of peppers? No problem. Just follow this easy tip of the week to preserve your harvest until you need those peppers to warm you up this winter.

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…3 Potato

It’s harvest time for potatoes.  For those of you who missed the previous entry about our potato growing project this year, click here to read all about it.  We continue here with part 2: potato harvesting.

It begins with a glance.  Just as one tries to avoid looking at roadkill while driving along the highway, a gardener tries to avert her eyes from dying potato foliage in the garden.  The anticipation is too great.  The promise of comfort food is too palpable to stave off the desire to investigate withering branches.  “Just a little longer,” we say to ourselves, trying to …

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Planting Asparagus Crowns

A gardener up in Nova Scotia writes in this week:

“Greetings from
Hirtle Island. I want to plant an asparagus plot this year. Because deer are such a problem I am considering
planting them in a large planter – kind of like a raised bed, though maybe not so raised. (I hope to use an old, rotting boat.) This way I can build a metal wire cage over them.

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Pinch Those Suckers

A Master Gardenerd wrote in recently:

“Can you talk about pinching off some of the branches of tomato plants? Some people do and some don’t. Is it necessary and how does one do it?”

Good question.  This is one of those concepts that breaks the hearts of many a gardener.  The thought process goes something like this, “If I pinch off the branches, then I’ll get
fewer tomatoes… I don’t want fewer tomatoes…but they say that if you pinch them off, your tomatoes will be bigger and better tasting.”  In a nutshell, that’s the reason for
pinching off branches.  It isn’t absolutely necessary, but …

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Makin’ Tomato Cages

They were fending for themselves and getting taller every day.  Critical Mass was about to be reached and it couldn’t wait any
longer.   My tomatoes needed support.  They were having a breakdown – or a “tip sideways” so to speak.  So I set out to build new cages for my leaning tower of tomatoes at
home this weekend.  

For some of you, this might look really familiar, as I talk about the “How-To” of my tomato cages in Christy’s Top 5 Organic Gardening Tips, which you can get when you sign up on the
Gardenerd website.  For this project, I needed cages that were …

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Worm Compost Care & Use

A new question rolled in this week in Ask Gardenerd:

“I have a worm bin that is great for disposing of my kitchen scraps but I really don’t know what to do with the liquid it produces. Also I don’t know how often to “harvest” the compost
produced.  I am new to your website and am so happy I can ask questions. Thanks for your help. – Emily.”

Well Emily, first of all, thunderous applause for using a worm bin!  Kudos all around.  Worm bins, as you already know, are a great way to dispose of your kitchen waste, and to
make wonderful …

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Pickin’ and Plantin’

I just got back from my plot at Ocean View Farms community garden.  It’s seems that the heat wave has drawn everyone out into the garden this
late afternoon.  As the cloud cover started to provide some relief from the 90 degree weather, the breeze actually did its job of cooling us off. 

Today I planted out some Jalapeño peppers and Anaheim chili peppers.  I also planted out the eggplants that, along with their peppery friends had been sitting under grow lights for the last
couple of months.  I’m hoping they will take off once they get established.  …

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