Even Pumpkins

We got a fine question at Ask Gardenerd this week:

I just harvested my pumpkins. They all are a very beautiful orange
color.  However, after rolling them over, all are flat on the bottom side
that was next to the ground, and a white color is on that side.  What can I do
next year to prevent this?”

Yea for pumpkins!  It’s so satisfying to harvest them after all that time and space (they get so big and sprawl everywhere) over the summer.  Here’s a very easy thing that you can do to solve both the white color …

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How to Grow Shallots

We received a question this week on Ask Gardenerd that we wanted to share: “I’m wondering when the best time to plant shallots is in SoCal.”

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Gardenerd at Green Beacon Foundation – Fall Garden Workshop

Fall is just around the corner and Gardenerd has been invited to give a fall gardening workshop at the Green Beacon Foundation on Saturday, September 26th from 2-4 p.m.  Read the details below:

As a
recognized educational, non-profit organization, The Green Beacon Foundation
was designed to show people the simplicity of sustainability. We
conduct tours the first Saturday of the each month and feature green
processes & products ranging from “old-fashioned” to the latest
in design & technologies.

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Sprout Struggles

A curious question came in this week to Ask Gardenerd:

“Hello-I’m starting some cool season plants from seed inside my house. I
planted some De Cicco Broccoli seeds in seed starting mix, and placed
in a window sill. The seeds sprouted in 3 days, which was definitely
exciting! But now a few days later, the little sprouts’ stems are about
2 inches tall and they are falling over. What may cause the sprouts to
grow too fast and become top heavy??”

First of all, congratulations on starting broccoli from seed!  It isn’t always the easiest thing to …

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Plan Your Fall Garden

Getting your fall garden underway is all about timing. If you live in a warmer climate you can plant a garden now and enjoy a harvest all winter long.

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Eggplant Parmigiana – Under the Tuscan Sun Style

I’ll admit it.  I’ve never made eggplant parmigiana.  I ate it growing up; as a picky eater it was probably the only way I’d ever eat eggplant.  So leave it to a gardenerd to grow eggplant and not know what to do with the finished result.  Until now.

I’ve been hoarding a copy of Frances Mayes Bringing Tuscany Home  for a few years now, just waiting for the perfect moment to strike, when I felt confident enough to try making what I thought would be a daunting recipe. The torn piece of paper marking the page was nearly withered …

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School Garden

Gardenerd.com has partnered with the Woolly Pocket Company and School Nutrition Plus to create a pilot program for school gardens that not only integrates the garden into the curriculum, but gives the children something to take into the cafeteria too!  Over the last two days we converted an abandoned garden area on the campus of Santa Monica Blvd. Community Charter School into a revitalized growing space that includes a vertical garden!

We started with weeds, old raised beds, tired soil and lots of odds and ends (we even found a shoe).  There was a lemon tree starving for sunlight …

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Home Made Mozzarella

Since the garden is pretty much doing its own thing these days, we tend for focus more on the bounty of the harvest than the growing of plants (which is just as exciting anyway).

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