Dealing with Apple Scab

This week’s guest blogger is David King from the Learning Garden. He’s a great friend and an amazing gardener who does more for the Los Angeles gardening scene than I have space to write. Today he shares his helpful tips
for managing apple scab. Take it away David!

For many of us wanting to grow more food on our own, fruits and nuts from trees comprise a major part …

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2012 Olympic Gardening Events

The 2012 Summer Olympics, with all of its pageantry and intense competition, runs the gamut featuring “26 sports and a total of 39 disciplines,”
according to Wikipedia. But we feel that the Olympic Committee has left a few important garden-related sporting events out of the competition this year. Perhaps  we’ll see one of these Top
5 Gardening Events at the Olympics
next time in Rio:

1) …

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Saving Kale Seeds

Most gardeners are lucky if their kale plants last through the summer. We’ve been blessed with a Lacinato kale that has been growing for over a
year and a half. It’s a magic plant; it survived cut worms, it resisted powdery mildew, and it never, ever got aphids. We’re definitely saving seeds from this plant.

Now over 10 feet tall, and listing to one side, the time has come to pull the plant (before it decapitates someone when it falls). …

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Class Notes

Bookmark this page for future reference Classes Creating a Healthy Garden - our online pest control course is open for registration. Gain lifetime access to this exclusive online course that…

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Growing Armenian Cucumbers

The ever-versatile cucumber isn’t held in high esteem here at Gardenerd (much like bell peppers, its flavor takes over everything it touches), but
we’ve come to love them–and grow them–for
the express purpose of making
spa water or pickles, or perhaps they find their way into a nori roll or Tadzhik. Over the years we’ve grown several heirloom varieties, but
our …

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Strawberry Cobbler – Gluten-Free Version

Strawberries are in season and the garden is dripping with them. We took the opportunity to use the harvest to make a delicious cobbler that was
easy to assemble in under 10 minutes.

The recipe comes from Vegetarian Times magazine, and use non-hydrogenated vegetable shortening in
order to make it vegan. We used butter instead, since I had it on hand.

Strawberry harvest

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06-27-12 June Exits, July Enters

In this issue:     June in the Garden     Organic Gardening 101- July 15th     Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Zucchini Cobbler     Gardenerd Product of the Month: Gardenerd Grocery…

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