Field Trip: Santa Cruz Farmers’ Market
It's harvest time, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate the recent Harvest Moon than to feature one of the best farmers' markets in California. A visit…
It's harvest time, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate the recent Harvest Moon than to feature one of the best farmers' markets in California. A visit…
With fall coming on, it's time to crack open a new gardening book or two. I recently finished reading these new additions to my library and wanted to share my…
Awhile back, we started planting a special blend of legumes, grasses and greens from Peaceful Valley Farm for our hens to forage, and we wrote about it in June. The…
Last year when the first Heirloom Expo took place, I was not able to attend but swore that I would next year, come what may. Fast forward to year two,…
When I spent three days learning the ways of GROW BIOINTENSIVE (GB) with John Jeavons and his team at Ecology Action in Willits, CA in 2009, two of my instructors…
Plants can take you down memory lane. This week, my dear gardening friend and Master Gardener, Sarah Spitz, shares some of her plants and the memories they spark. Here's Sarah:…
The latest food adventure from Mar Vista's Bounty Hunter is ready for your perusal. Find out about Masa Tamales, where you can find some of the best savory tamales in…
And now something for those with little ones. Ruth Steinberg, founder of Little, is committed to helping kids find a love of gardening. I had the pleasure of meeting her electronically awhile back, but when we finally met in person, I could see that her enthusiasm for gardening with children was infectious. She specializes in fostering curiosity and play in the garden, and she's here today to share her story and some ideas for doing the same ...
This week's guest blogger is David King from the Learning Garden. He's a great friend and an amazing gardener who does more for the Los Angeles gardening scene than I have space to write. Today he shares his helpful tips
for managing apple scab. Take it away David!
For many of us wanting to grow more food on our own, fruits and nuts from trees comprise a major part ...
I just completed a 5-day composting intensive workshop presented by Alane O’Rielly Weber. Much like my experience with Jon Jeavon’s Grow BioIntensive workshop, this intensive class has re-swizzled the way I think about everything underground.
I knew about the Soil Foodweb, the intricate web of microbial life that exists in the soil and facilitates nutrient uptake in plants (which was first written about by Dr. Elaine Ingham), but I didn’t quite have a handle on how to create a healthy environment for ...