Gardening For Geeks Launches 2-11-2020!
Allow me to reminisce. When I first wrote Gardening for Geeks in 2012, it was designed to consolidate every gardening lesson I teach into one book.
Allow me to reminisce. When I first wrote Gardening for Geeks in 2012, it was designed to consolidate every gardening lesson I teach into one book.
Our latest YouTube video shows you how to prune unruly blackberries before spring bud in 3 steps.
We just returned from two weeks away on vacation and this morning's light revealed a bountiful winter garden that looks more like spring.
Happy New Year, gardenerds! In my last blog post, I shared my dark-humored thoughts about trash, and confessed that my biggest contribution to landfills is granola bar wrappers. I snack between clients to keep my blood sugar up, and I realized I needed to find a zero waste solution. Enter these Low FODMAP No-Bake Granola Bars.
On this, the most reflective day of the year, let's look back at our gardening experience this year and make plans for the next. It's time to make New Year's Gardening Resolutions.
Our guest this week is Valerie Borel of the UC Master Gardener and Horticulture Program. She specializes in sustainability and fire-safe landscaping.
If you're looking for a last minute side dish for your holiday meals, this Caramelized Onion Stuffing is perfect.
arah O'Neil is known as Sarah the Gardener in New Zealand, where she grows most of her own food. She's an author of 3 books, an award-winning blogger, and a keenly adventurous gardener.
As winter approaches (spell check wouldn't let me write approacheth) in our warm-winter climate, the garden giveth more.
With Thanksgiving behind us, but more holidays to come, it's clear that dinner rolls will play a role at least once this winter.