Biointensive Workshop at Ocean View Farms This Saturday!

If you've ever wanted to take the Small Space and Container Gardening Class that we offer in our Gardenerd Organic Gardening Series, but haven't been able to make it, you can come get similar information this Saturday for FREE. I'll be speaking at Ocean View Farms organic community garden on Saturday, April 17, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. about many different methods of growing a lot of stuff in a little bit of space.


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MinifarmBox© and the Land Grab

Oh sure, I've got plenty of growing space in my raised beds, but sometimes that's just not enough. Sometimes you have to take over the place.

I feel like a warrior -- or maybe a gold rush prospector; I've just made a minor land-grab in my own back yard.

Let me e'splain: I met up with Conor Fitzpatrick on the last day of Tomatomania, where I ...

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3rd Year Asparagus …and they’re off!

(cue movie voice-over guy)

It's been three years in the making...
and one woman has been waiting a lifetime...
but will she be ready for...


(fade in on woman in garden hat, carrying gardening pruners, running from the kitchen door to the asparagus bed. She snips a few spears with a smile on her face, runs back to the kitchen.

Clock shows that 5 minutes passes. ...

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2 for 1 Discounts for Permaculture Design Course This Weekend!

I had the great pleasure of meeting Larry Santoyo of Earthflow Design over the weekend. For those who don't know, he teaches the renowned Permaculture Design Course in Los Angeles. The next course starts this weekend and Larry is offering 2 for 1 discounts to anyone who registers and mentions that you heard it from Gardenerd. Here are the details:

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Front Yard Veggies in Manhattan Beach

We got one step closer to our goal of replacing all lawns in Los Angeles with useful growing spaces. The Winship family had a front lawn that wasn't serving them, and it was the only area of their property that had full sun for growing vegetables (as is the case with many homes).

I met with them to discuss what they wanted in a vegetable garden: raised beds, enough room to grow herbs, and something they could ...

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Mar Vista Green Garden Showcase 2010

Well, it's that time again. Time to get on your walking shoes or bicycle and head out to see some fantastic, clever landscaping in west side Los Angeles. The Mar Vista Green Garden Showcase is just a month away, and will be featuring 80 houses (impossible to see them all, but you can sure try) that focus on either native plants and drought tolerant landscapes, edible gardens, or energy efficient features like solar power or rain barrels.

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Woolly Pockets on Martha Stewart

For those who didn't catch it, Miguel Nelson, the inventor of Woolly Pocket Gardens and our collaborator on the Woolly Pocket School Garden Program, was on Martha Stewart in early March. They've posted the clip on the MS website for all to see. If you wait until the page loads, you'll see the words, "watch video" appear at the bottom of the photograph.

And for a moment of shameless self-promotion, when Miguel ...

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What To Do With All That Cabbage?

Every fall I grow several heads of cabbage to enjoy in winter and spring as the rest of the garden gets going. But year after year, I find myself wondering what to do with the cabbage I've grown. Sound familiar?  Well, I've found a few great ways to use cabbage that I thought I'd share here.

Cabbage, chard, broccoli, green onions, cilantro, arugula and mustard greens make up the winter harvest

Aside from ...

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Sewage Sludge in the News

Perhaps you've seen it in the news lately, or perhaps you've been seeing it in the news for a decade. I'm talking about sewage sludge. Time and time again, we are challenged with the task of finding out what's really in the stuff we eat, or in this case, what's in the stuff we use to grow the stuff we eat. I've always been a big proponent of knowing where my garden supplies come from, and I've done ...

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