The first question new gardeners ask is “Where should I put my garden?” That’s a great first question. This week’s video shares what to look for when selecting a location for your new garden plot.
Christy explains how to observe your available space for ideal or not so ideal locations for a garden bed. She also shares how to figure out your garden’s facing, as well as tricks for an efficient growing experience.
Where Should I Put My Garden? – How to Orient Your Plot From Scratch
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Dive into seasonal planning with our online course Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden. It includes easy-to-follow, digestible lessons that guide you through your seasonal planting process. Now open for registration!
Get ready for spring with our Spring Planting Guide video. Find out what to plant now and later.
Check out some of our design projects to get ideas for your own plot

Learn how to better orient your garden so it will be successful from the start. Follow the tips and tricks in the video and get started this spring!