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The spice garden - arugula, dill, parsley (both flat and curly), cilantro and lots of green onions (our low-FODMAP allium of choice.

Wordless Wednesday: Easing Back In

Happy New Year, gardenerds. We’re easing back in to gardening, stepping carefully over the remnants of 2020, and tiptoeing gently into 2021. With fingers crossed, hope in our hearts, and the promise of one more gardening season. Here is some inspiration to get you started (along with those seed catalogs that prompt big dreams).

Artichokes are easing their way back into production in containers. These perennial crops come back year after year.
Rosalind Broccoli
Rosalind Broccoli is showing off in the winter garden. Seeds for this beauty are more difficult to find these days, but you can find them here.
Thompson broccoli wordless wednesday
Thompson broccoli is ready to harvest. Small but tasty. Seeds for this variety appear to be unavailable anymore.
Blue shelling peas
Due to rats, this is the only blue shelling pea tendril that made it to flowering. Better luck this year.
herbs and arugula
The spice garden – arugula, dill, parsley (both flat and curly), cilantro and lots of green onions (our low-FODMAP allium of choice. Plus some spinach thrown in for good measure.
Everybearing strawberries
Yes, these everbearing strawberries are flowering in winter. We’ll have fruit soon. Hope returns to the garden.
New Year's Harvest wordless wednesday
The New Year’s harvest consisted of winter radishes, arugula and salad greens in our new harvest basket from Karl Family Baskets (this Medium Chore basket was the best Christmas present EVER!).
Winter Radishes
What’s in that basket? Let’s take a closer look: Winter radishes are huge but cook down tender (find a recipe here and in Gardening for Geeks). Pictured above: Bora King, Daikon, and Black Spanish.
Citrus wordless wednesday
Our mini fruit garden out front (yes, fruit trees in the front yard are awesome). Tangerines and lemons are ready to pick. Find out how to grow fruit in small spaces in Grow Your Own Mini Fruit Garden
Christy Wilhelmi Grow Your Own Mini Fruit Garden
2021 also brings Christy’s newest book: Grow Your Own Mini Fruit Garden. We’re so excited to share a ton of great gardening advice with you in this new book for small-space fruit growing. If you haven’t pre-ordered yet, don’t wait until March 9th, do it today!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Debra

    Any tip to get cauliflower to form a head? I have plenty of leaves but no cauliflower. Are the leaves edible if none forms?

  2. Andrea

    Your radishes are so pristine. Mine have all kinds of small holes and nibbles. How do you do it?

    1. Christy

      Oh, they’re not! I rotate the damaged areas to the back for the photo. 🙂

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