We received comments and suggestions about What’s Eating My Plant – Part 1, with viewers asking for more information about other bugs and pest damage. So here we are…Part 2.
In this video we cover tomato hornworms, armyworms, slugs and snails, flea beetles and more. Find out if any of these critters are setting up camp in your garden. We’ll help you identify who is responsible for the damage in your garden.
What’s Eating My Plant – Part 2
For more information about the pests in your garden check out these posts:
Aphids – When Aphids Attack has a recipe for garlic spray. Or watch this other YouTube video specifically on battling aphids. And encourage Ladybugs to visit your yard.
Hornworms / Armyworms – This video shows how to use a blacklight to find hornworms in your tomato plants. Use cloths pins to keep cornworms from burrowing into ears of corn.
Slugs & Snails – There are additional ways to combat snails that we didn’t mention in the video. Read this blog post for other ideas.
Fleabeetles – find out more about sticky traps in this blog post.
If you see a pest but can’t ID it, check out BugGuide.net for help narrowing the field.

If you have pest issues in your garden that we didn’t describe here. Post a comment below and we’ll address it in Part 3. In the meantime, get out there and plant stuff!