It’s Thanksgiving week and the garden is beginning to shift to autopilot. Warm-winter gardening is ON! And with rain in our forecast, we’re grateful for a lot around here.
As we prepare a Thanksgiving feast, here are some of the things we’re grateful for on this Thankful Tuesday (we may have made that up).
We’re grateful for the fall salad garden that keeps us eating greens all winter long. We’re delighted to see dill sprouting in the fall garden, especially because we forgot we planted it! It loves cool temperatures.Double gratitude: for brassicas (our favorite crops) and floating row cover that protects them.Our garden thanks us for planting cover crops every fall for happy soil in spring. We’re grateful for Wood Prairie Farm, our favorite seed potato company in Maine. We’re grateful for flower and herb volunteers that germinate once the weather cools down here. Calendula, Love-in-a-Mist, milkweed, cilantro and parsley will soon blanket this beneficial insectary patch.We’re grateful for citrus in California. Our oranges are still tart, but sweet enough to eat. Iceland poppies bring cheer as we await fall veggies to grow.Thank you, Gardenerds, for being part of our garden community. We love you!
Enjoy this Thankful Tuesday and your Thanksgiving however you celebrate it. With family, friends, or blissfully alone with your garden.
Keep growing!! You are doing great Job.