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Fall plans for the garden are complete. We're ready to start seeds.

Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden Coming Soon!

Heads up, gardenerds! Our new garden planning online course that will help you Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden will open for registration on September 17, 2024. Be the first to know — sign up on the wait list for more details.

We’ll send those details for our upcoming free webinars, and when the doors open for registration. Fall garden planning is just around the corner. Learn the skills you’ll need in this course to grow your most productive garden yet!

Join the Wait List Here

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Will this garden planning online course be right for you? Find out more about what to expect when you click the link above.

The last time we offered this course was in February of 2024. It won’t be available again until next year. Registration will only be open for 10 days. Get on the waiting list so you don’t miss out on this chance to learn tricks of the trade that you can use for the rest of your gardening days.

Join the Wait List Now!

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