Favorite Seeds for 2018

We're like kids in a candy store when it comes to seeds, aren't we Gardenerds? As we do every year here at Gardenerd, it's time to pick our favorite seeds…

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Be F.A.B. in 2018

Every gardener needs tools to keep a garden healthy and thriving. This is not only true for the garden, but for the gardener. We get tired, overwhelmed, frustrated, bored, and…

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Sprouting Seed Potatoes

White potatoes get a bum wrap, but they are the most delicious tuber to grow in your own backyard. Not only that, they are easy and fun to grow, especially…

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Design: Productive Patio Garden

We specialize in small-space biointensive gardening here at Gardenerd, so we get a lot of calls to install patio gardens from eager folks with limited space and sunlight. Our latest…

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Spring Seed Favorites for 2017

Oh, the gardenerd's dilemma. So many seeds, so little space. We're not here to help, we're here to commiserate. In fact, we're here to feed the monster. Here are our…

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