Gardens of the Getty
This week we have a guest post from Michael DeHart, the Getty Central Garden Supervisor, as an enticement to visit the Getty's new exhibit, Gardens of the Renaissance. Take it…
This week we have a guest post from Michael DeHart, the Getty Central Garden Supervisor, as an enticement to visit the Getty's new exhibit, Gardens of the Renaissance. Take it…
Last year when the first Heirloom Expo took place, I was not able to attend but swore that I would next year, come what may. Fast forward to year two,…
This week’s guest blogger is David King from the Learning Garden. He’s a great friend and an amazing gardener who does more for the Los Angeles gardening scene than I have space to write. Today he shares his helpful tips
for managing apple scab. Take it away David!
For many of us wanting to grow more food on our own, fruits and nuts from trees comprise a major part …
A new client called to inquire about putting in a vegetable garden for her 2 1/2 year old son, who suffers from food allergies. She and her
husband wanted to start growing the vegetables that he could eat and teach him where food comes from.
Their modern home, designed and built by Jesse Bornstein Architecture, lent itself to clean lines and angles.
As always, we wanted to design the garden to tie in with the …
7-17-09 Get Your Summer On In This Issue: July in the Garden Dog Days of Summer Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Harvesting Watermelon Product of the Month: Edible Los Angeles…
06-17-11 Honor Thy Father's Day In this issue: June in the Garden Pesticide-laden Apples in the News Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes Gardenerd Product of…
6-21-08 Summer has Arrived In This Issue: 1. What's Growin' On in June 2. Home Grown Garlic 3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month - Permaculture 4.…
2-02-06 Valentine's Day & Rose Pruning In This Issue: Love is in the Air Gardenerd Note Cards Rose Pruning 1. Love is in the Air There's one sure thing about…