Gardenerd Joins the Great Grow Along

Spring is upon us, and we’re excited to be part of the Great Grow Along, a virtual garden conference taking place this March 19-21, 2021. Christy, along with 40+ other garden experts, will share her tips and tidbits for successful gardening.

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Podcast: Be An Eco Hero With Tessa Wardley

Our guest this week on the Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast is Tessa Wardley, a former global environmental policy consultant, and current policy advisor to the UK’s Department of the Environment.

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02-18-21 Reset the Garden

In this issue: February in the GardenYouTube: 20 Colorful Tomatoes for 2021Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Spring Planting GuideGardenerd Product of the Month: Grow Your Own Mini Fruit Garden February…

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Wordless Wednesday: Happy Fall Equinox!

We’ve officially passed the fall equinox, which means the garden looks like crap. Death is part of the garden’s life cycle and it is something we must come to terms with. The good news is that fall also welcomes new beginnings —  cool season crops!

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08-09-20 Summer Garden Solace

In this issue: August in the GardenClosing the Food Gap - PodcastGardenerd Tip of the Month: Preserving the HarvestGardenerd Product of the Month: Gardening for Geeks 2020 August in the…

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Wordless Wednesday: Summer Heat

Heatwaves are sweeping the country, and even here on the westside it’s above 80 degrees. The garden starts to look sad, a sign that some plants will finish their life cycle soon…

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