Wordless Wednesday – October is Here
We’re celebrating the arrival of fall with National Kale Day this week, and inspiration to get you out in the garden.
We’re celebrating the arrival of fall with National Kale Day this week, and inspiration to get you out in the garden.
Summer is on at Gardenerd HQ, and hopefully in your garden too. Here’s some eye candy to celebrate.
Our latest YouTube video is about transplanting sprouted seedlings safely from one place to another.
We’re hard at work cooking for Thanksgiving over here at Gardenerd HQ. But there’s always time to share the latest eye-candy from the fall garden.
The end of summer makes some people sad. I long for cooler weather and fall crops (’cause it’s 86 degrees F in my house and we don’t have air conditioning).
In this issue: August in the GardenPodcast: The Garden Sabbatical with Devorah BrousGardenerd Tip of the Month: How to Pick a WatermelonGardenerd Product of the Month: Garden Variety - A…
What’s the difference between an annual and a perennial? If you’re new to gardening, you may not yet be familiar with these terms.
There’s a point in summer where, as much as I love my garden, I want to get away from it all. I want to lounge in a hammock, read books and take naps.