Waaaay Too Much Mint

I'm surprised this question hasn't come in to Ask Gardenerd sooner, but it has finally arrived:

"I pulled out a bunch of mint that had gone awry. What should I do with it? Mint sauce? Dry it? How?"

There are plenty of things to do with mint, but even though that's true, I still find myself wondering what to do with an overabundance. Here are a few suggestions off the top:

Plant mint in a pot to keep it under control

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Earwigs Don’t Wear Wigs

We get a lot of pest control questions at Ask Gardenerd. Here's one now:

"Hey Christy, Love your blog - thanks for all the great tips and pics!  I live in Culver City and a year ago I turned my whole back yard into a garden with raised beds. I'm loving it but have noticed lately I have TONS of earwigs. I think they're eating all my veggies, and strawberries for that matter. Any tips on getting rid of them?  Everything I read says to put out cardboard so they will congregate ...

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Potash Deficiency

A new question dropped into the Ask Gardenerd inbox this week: 

"Lovin' [your] podcast since 2009!  My soil test recommends 15-0-15 for potash deficiency. Organic sources would be....what?  Wood ash, greensand, kelp meal?  Do you have preference?  I'm told wood ash (easiest and free) leaches out faster and has other elements too, ones I don't need to supplement like calcium and magnesium. Just wondering what you think..."

First of all - thanks for ...

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Growing Grains in Small Spaces

A great question came in to Ask Gardenerd this week:

"I am looking to purchase a variety of grain seeds. Not bulk, not for production? Yet. My goal is start growing and saving seeds from planter pots, as my yard is xeriscaped and I am in the process of trying to sell my home. This way once I move I should have seeds for planting a small scale grain garden for personal use. Where can I find open-pollinated grain seeds that are not planting a whole flappin' acre at a time?"

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My, What Trellises You Have

A question came in this week to Ask Gardenerd:

"I was cycling in Silverlake and saw your garden you've setup for a greyish building! It looked great!  I was especially intrigued by the interesting bean & tomato trellises you have. I know this is technically "consulting", but where can I get my hands on some of those for my garden?"

You must mean the Dream Center Garden that I've been working on for over a year now. We planted 24 tomatoes and nearly 100 peas in just ...

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Preparing for Blight

A question came into Ask Gardenerd this week, which brought back memories of our sad summer last year:

"I have some kind of blight that returns to my tomatoes every year. One tomato that survived and re-sprouted after a severe cutting back was the first to develop it this year. I had to remove it and trash the foliage. Do you have any idea what this is, and what I need to do to prevent it?"

Arg, blight. It's such a nuisance, isn't it?  First off, you did ...

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When to Pick an Avocado

This week a question came in from a student at my Santa Monica College class:

"I am wondering what is the best time (or how do I know when) to pick an avocado [off a tree]. Thanks and I really learned a whole bunch in your class! Best, John"

Now I confess, I told John to send his question in to Ask Gardenerd because I didn't know the answer. We joke around here at Gardenerd that if I can't ...

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Squash Bug Battles

A question came in last week from a concerned gardenerd:

"As we start to thaw (and possibly refreeze this coming weekend) out here in NE TX, I'm planning my garden for 2011. We will be starting seeds this weekend and a friend has offered us the use of their greenhouse, as long as we share our harvest - no problem. My question as I start planning, and remembering last year, what can be done about Squash Bugs? I lost the battle last year, due to a back injury that put me in ...

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Storing Garlic – Sprout Not, My Friend

A great question came in to Ask Gardenerd this week:

"If I braid my garlic and hang it in my kitchen, how long will it keep? When I buy garlic and the store and put it in my fridge, it begins to sprout after a month or so. Will the same thing happen to my braided garlic?"

Would you believe that it depends upon the variety of garlic you choose to grow?  The truth is that, like onions or apples, some varieties are known for better storage than others. ...

Continue ReadingStoring Garlic – Sprout Not, My Friend

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