It’s fall garden time…or is it? False Fall #1 is about to end in Los Angeles – another week of hot weather is coming soon. That means: hold off on planting cool season crops, except for seeds you plan to water every day.
In other parts of the country it is already cool. Still others are dealing with flooding, hurricanes and tornadoes. Hold on tight, everyone. Normal keeps changing and we aim to adapt along with it. Here’s some inspiration for the transition to fall.
Squash Bonanza

Fruiting Delights

Future Planning

Enjoy this fall garden time whether you are planting now or just in the planning stages. Keep an eye on temperatures and start planting once you see a 10-day forecast of temps under 73 degrees F. Be aware that here in Los Angeles we get 3 false falls before real fall sets in. So resist the urge to plant out tender greens before a heat wave.