Book Review: The Edible Landscape
Last month I received a copy of Emily Tepe's new book, The Edible Landscape, and since I don't write reviews without reading the thing cover to cover (and I'm a…
Last month I received a copy of Emily Tepe's new book, The Edible Landscape, and since I don't write reviews without reading the thing cover to cover (and I'm a…
I've been chomping at the bit to post this, and now that everything is in place the time has come. drumroll please... That's right, I've written a book and it's…
Cob is a rustic building technique that dates back to pre-historic times. It combines sand, clay and straw, and is held together with water and an abundant supply of elbow…
We're new to bee keeping, and while we enthusiastically raced out to buy equipment (bee suits, gloves, brush, hive tool, etc.), we have been lacking courage to open the hive…
There's a new member of our garden's ecosystem, and her name is Mittens. This little black and white cat arrived to our neighborhood in November, and has been courting us…
This holiday season we gave gifts from the garden, which came primarily from our citrus trees. Sunset Magazine featured an easy home made gift idea that struck a chord: citrus…
Looking for a delicious way to cook up those winter vegetables? Look no further. This recipe from the November 2012 issue of Vegetarian Times magazine cooks up a savory, satisfying…
With each new year, gardeners vow to make changes or try new techniques (or remember old ones). 2013 shall be no different, and so we bring you Gardenerd's Gardening Resolutions…
Interesting things come in the monthly produce exchange, and last month it included one chayote squash. As it sat on the counter, it became more interesting. It sprouted. I've never…
There's something special about sneaking outside in your bathrobe into the crisp, cool, fall air to pick a citrus breakfast off a tree: a fresh orange dripping with new fallen…