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Mittens walks her beat to patrol the garden for critters.

Wordless Wednesday: Seasonal Changes

Some of you gardenerds are already experiencing seasonal changes. We saw a friend’s post today saying “I heard birds for the first time today; must be spring!” Here’s some inspiration for your seasonal changes, no matter their timing.

Volunteer ornamental and California poppies right next to each other.
Orange blossoms are budding out. Yay – time to feed your citrus trees.
This yellow yarrow adds color and cheer as spring approaches.
This nasturtium has a beautiful mottled petal unlike its neighbors. We hope it makes seed.
Arugula has bolted to seed and is sending out flowers. Seeds will scatter if we leave them on their own…which we do.

More Seasonal Changes

Finally swapped out the broken plastic pot for this sturdy 24″ box made from recycled lumber. Next we’ll add soil and try to correct the tree’s lean.
Seasonal change: Restoring the office to its original luster. You’ll see it featured in upcoming videos.
The hens are back! All four are laying now, just in time for spring.
Comfrey returns each year even though it completely dies back over winter.
Dig around the base of your carrot foliage to gauge the size and determine if it’s ready to harvest. This Yellowstone carrot needs a little more time.
Lime geranium (middle) and tree kale cuttings (edges). We’ll transplant these into new beds this week to complete our container garden transformation. Learn how to propagate tree kale from cuttings here.

Before you know it summer will be here, so enjoy these seasonal changes while they last. Dive into your spring garden planning and prep to get a jump start on the season.

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