In this issue:
- June/July in the Garden
- Summer Recipes
- Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Podcast – Jo Anne Trigo of Two Dog Organic Nursery
- Gardenerd Product of the Month: Gardenerd BBQ Apron
June/ July in the Garden
Here at Gardenerd HQ, we’ve been socked in with marine layer every day since April, but we don’t mind. Scorching temperatures are headed this way. So for now, we’re enjoying the less-than-summery weather.
We’re keeping after powdery mildew by removing affected leaves. It’s time to apply more compost tea or Custom Biologicals Custom GP to help stave it off. The harvest basket is full of summer squash (see below for recipes), blackberries, lettuces, Black Magic kale (bred for hot weather), the first peppers and tomatoes of the season, and mustard greens. This week we’re planting more squash and will harvest Red Fife wheat to make room for cucumbers and melons. Our Henderson’s Bush Limas continue to set fruit, and the Red Bean Green Pod Asparagus Beans have reached the top of the trellis. No beans yet, but we’re excited!
Local Angelinos – Join in our upcoming Basic Organic Gardening 101 course at Santa Monica College starting July 14th. Details and registration are here.
Happy Gardening,

2. Summer Recipes
I have a confession. I love growing squash, but I don’t enjoy eating it nearly as much as growing it. Therefore, I strive for clever ways to disguise squash in meals every which way. Sound familiar? Here are a slew of recipes to use up that summer harvest.
Zucchini Quinoa Lasagna – uses zucchini as the noodle
Yellow Squash Soup – bright yellow and delicious. Quick to make.
Baked Parmesan Zucchini Bites – 2 ingredients and 20 minutes in the oven.
Grilled Summer Squash – easiest thing ever: slice squash 1/2 thick, rub with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, grill it over an open flame. Transformative and delicious!
Chocolate Zucchini Bread – a tried and true way of hiding squash in baked goods.
And a few non-squash recipes for good measure:
Summer Garden Party Recipes – an assortment of grilling tips and dishes
Indian Summer Succotash – uses corn, shallots, potatoes, tomatoes, and yes, zucchini.
Enjoy this summer with tasty dishes from your garden. Eat up!
3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month – Podcast: Jo Anne Trigo of Two Dog Organic Nursery

Our latest podcast features Two Dog Organic Nursery’s Jo Anne Trigo. We chat about how the nursery came into being (in her own home, no less) and her favorite tips for growing blueberries. She also shares a quick trick for starting seeds with tiny seeds.
Get the Podcast
Get out there and plant something this weekend. Enjoy your garden to the fullest and soon you’ll be harvesting!
4. Gardenerd Product of the Month – Gardenerd BBQ Apron
June and July are all about the cookouts. Don our Gardenerd BBQ apron to look like a pro as you grill your garden harvest. You can brag about your tomatoes as you check that zucchini squash for grill marks.
Get your Gardenerd BBQ Apron here
Stay tuned for more tips and tidbits from Gardenerd.com. Happy summer gardening!

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