05-24-07 May Flowers

5-24-07 May Flowers In This Issue: April Showers Bring May Flowers Off the Beaten Path Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Deadheading Gardenerd Product of the Month: Tank Top 1. April…

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Gardenerd’s Trusted Links & Resources

Check back often for newly added links. Some of the links below include an affiliate link. Gardenerd makes a few cents with these affiliate programs. Thanks for your support! Seeds,…

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Gallery & Testimonials

Garden design testimonialsClasses testimonialsConsulting testimonialsSite testimonials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59eIxIm7czo View examples of our gardens Organic Edible Garden Design "We love our new little garden. Our kids, who helped plant everything, rush out…

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Beware the Citrus Psyllid

A not-so-new threat to America’s citrus population has recently been found in Southern California. Almost 4,000 sightings of the Asian Citrus Psyllid, including in Riverside and Mar Vista, have been
reported in 2011. The damage from the Psyllid can potentially send a citrus tree to its grave.

The Citrus Psyllid can be a carrier of a bacterial disease called Huanglongbing (HBL) or Citrus Greening disease, which causes the leaves to appear yellow with green veins, and the fruit becomes
misshapen. Eventually the trees die.

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Pesto Madness

This is the time of year when the abundance of basil in the garden can often overshadow the need in the kitchen. What’s a gardener to do?  Make pesto, of course.

Whether you preserve pesto by canning or freezing, you can make the flavors of summer last a long time. To start off the pesto season, I took a field trip to Pesto Madness, the Learning Garden’s
annual fundraiser.  

David King, the illustrious leader of the Learning Garden, was giving a …

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Dream Garden Grows Up

I stopped by the Dream Center garden in downtown Los Angeles yesterday to see how things are growing in and I was delighted to see what has transpired since my last visit. It’s all grown up!

Not only did the flagstone and decomposed granite get installed in the pathway, but the mulch had arrived (free from the City) and it was all in place.

Pathway complete, plants growing in. Happiness is a thriving garden!

Some of the tomatoes even had fruit set already: …

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Mar Vista Green Garden Showcase 2011 Review

There’s nothing like a good garden tour to get your spring gardening juices flowing. Last Saturday, we set out on our bicycles to take in the third annual Mar Vista Green Garden Showcase in all its
glory. This free garden tour is put on by the hard-working volunteers of the Mar Vista Green Committee, and while our house has been on the tour during the first two years, we wanted to get some
inspiration and see what our neighbors were doing with their land.

With over 70 houses to see, we had …

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