Fall: Time to Plant Perennials

Fall is the time of year to plant perennials. Why? Isn't the season winding down? It is, but it's the perfect time to put winter-hardy perennials in the ground because…

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Field Trip: Little Farm in Encino, CA

We're about to take you on a journey to a magical place; a place where tropical and rare fruits grow in abundance, where grapevines climb arbors, where goats, chickens, rabbits…

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Summer Pruning

These Dog Days of summer are challenging. It's too hot to plant or work in the garden, but garden is starting to look ragged as plants near the end of…

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The New Drought Landscape

Water, water, everywhere...well, not so much anymore. States like California and Texas are suffering severe drought conditions and gardeners are rising to the occasion by swapping out thirsty lawns for…

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Rooftop Garden in L.A.

A lot of people don't have space to garden, and in many places the rooftop is the only option. If you live where it snows, the local architecture is built…

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Spring Gardens are Waking Up

A friend up north in Canada, Niki Jabbour, posted on Twitter this morning that she's expecting 2 feet of snow tonight. Here in Southern California our spring gardens are waking…

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