Growing Brown Mustard Seeds

Last fall 2009, I planted brown mustard seed as an experiment in the test garden. I wanted to see how much seed I would get for my favorite Indian food dishes
from growing seed in 7 square feet. After the birds got their share of sprouts, I ended up with 7 or 8 plants that grew to fruition. I’ve waited until the harvest this spring to share the
process with you.

The mustard …

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Dragon Tongue Beans

A while back I mentioned that I was planting a new heirloom variety that I’d never grown before. Well, today the first harvest of said heirloom plants.   Dragon tongue
beans are making quite a show in the garden, right next to the …

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3rd Year Asparagus …and they’re off!

(cue movie voice-over guy)

It’s been three years in the making…
and one woman has been waiting a lifetime…
but will she be ready for…


(fade in on woman in garden hat, carrying gardening pruners, running from the kitchen door to the asparagus bed. She snips a few spears with a smile on her face, runs back to the

Clock shows that 5 minutes passes. …

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Front Yard Veggies in Manhattan Beach

We got one step closer to our goal of replacing all lawns in Los Angeles with useful growing spaces. The Winship family had a front lawn that
wasn’t serving them, and it was the only area of their property that had full sun for growing vegetables (as is the case with many homes).

I met with them to discuss what they wanted in a vegetable garden: raised beds, enough room to grow herbs, and something they could …

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What To Do With All That Cabbage?

Every fall I grow several heads of cabbage to enjoy in winter and spring as the rest of the garden gets going. But year after year, I find myself wondering
what to do with the cabbage I’ve grown. Sound familiar?  Well, I’ve found a few great ways to use cabbage that I thought I’d share here.

Cabbage, chard, broccoli, green onions, cilantro, arugula and mustard greens make up the winter harvest

Aside from …

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Composting, Worms and Shade Gardening

Another great question came in this week:

“Hello, I have a worm bin that I use to throw all my compostable items in such as veggies,eggshells, paper etc. I also have a big compost bin next to my worm bin, it is about a quarter full. I
throw junk mail and grass clippings, tree clippings, whatever is too big for my worm bin goes in this big bin. Could I add worms to this big bin as well to aid in the speed of the …

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When Aphids Attack!

A great question came in this week from a cauliflower gardener:

“I was so excited to have just harvested my first cauliflower! It was big, beautiful and infested with little grayish white bugs! (aphids, I think?). I couldn’t salvage it because there were
literally hundreds embedded just beneath the tops of the florets. I have several other cauliflower plants growing, some are new, some almost ready to harvest. Is there anything I can do to prevent
future infestations?”

First of all, congratulations …

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Safe Canning

We do our best to preserve our harvest, but now we're being thwarted by the presence of BPAs in our canning lids. Find out how to avoid this.

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