Cabbage and Caramelized Onion Soup

‘Tis the season to harvest cabbage, and we’ve been on a campaign to find tasty uses for it this month. Our crop consists of Vertus Savoy
cabbage (with seeds from Bountiful Gardens). It grew well in Southern California, and it was a delight to finally be able to grow an open-pollinated variety of savoy cabbage (hard to find).

Here is another savory and delicious way to incorporate this healthy brassica …

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Tasty Cabbage Season

It’s time to harvest those cabbages that have been growing over winter. As readers may remember, we planted a newly discovered variety of open
pollinated Vertus savoy cabbage from Bountiful Gardens this past fall, and now we’re reaping
the benefits. It’s hard to find an open pollinated or heirloom variety of savoy cabbage, so we were very excited to test this one out.

The results are in, and they …

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Romanesco Broccoli: Fibonacci of the Garden

Growing new varieties each season keeps the garden interesting. Since we focus on heirlooms and open pollinated varieties here at Gardenerd,
our choices are not new, but rather newly discovered. After a slight seed debacle last year where we grew seeds from an (unnamed) seed company that purchased Romanesco seeds from an
untrustworthy supplier, resulting in Romanesco that looked nothing like Romanesco, we tried again this year with guaranteed seed.

What …

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The Trick to Bigger Garlic

A question came in to Ask Gardenerd this week:

“Hi, I’ve just harvested my garlic and it’s ok but a little small. Any tips to get it fatter. John, ps Love your site”

Thanks for writing in John, and I’m glad you like the website. Since your email address seems to be in Australia, it makes sense that you would be harvesting garlic right now.

I have my own answers to growing big garlic, …

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Thanksgiving in Rome – a Farmers’ Market Oasis

It might seem odd to go to Europe to celebrate an American holiday, but when your American relatives live there, Thanksgiving must travel.

One of the benefits of traveling to other countries at different times of the year is getting the chance to see foreign vegetables and fruits of the season. We visited Umbria, Italy in May of this
year and found some beautiful offerings there. Our visit to Rome this November
offered even more.

Campo dei Fiori’s …

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Updated – New 2012 Spring/Summer Seed Collection

It’s time to start thinking about the future, and whether that’s the upcoming holiday season or next year’s garden, Gardenerd is here to motivate you. What better way to start the ball rolling than a
tour through the new 2012 Spring/Summer Seed Collection?

Each year we select our favorite heirloom varieties, or coveted heirlooms that we’ve been dying to grow. We choose a trusted seed source that takes the Safe Seed Pledge and promotes bio-diversity by
offering heirloom and open pollinated varieties that you can grow, save and plant again year after year. …

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Radishes – Nature’s Fast Food

Need something quick to grow this fall before cold weather shuts down the garden?  Try radishes. They go from seed to maturity in about 6 weeks. They sprout in around 3 days, so they’re the
perfect crop to grow if you have a short attention span.

Got kids?  Grow radishes. They are the instant gratification vegetable. Children can plant them in small containers, watch them sprout, and harvest them before they remember that they don’t
like vegetables.

Cherry Belle and Easter Egg radishes, freshly …

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New Book for Your Shelf

The founders of Baker Creek, Jere and Emilee Gettle, have published a book – The Heirloom Life Gardener - that not only tells the story of Baker Creek from its…

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