In this issue:
- September in the Garden
- Fall Garden Prep
- Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Celebrating the Garden Lifecycle
- Gardenerd Product of the Month: Gardening for Geeks
1. September in the Garden
September means fall is nearly here. In fact, it starts next week. In warm-winter climates, it’s time to start seeds for cool-weather crops, and in cold-winter places it’s time to get those seedlings in the ground. But first there’s bed prep, repairs, seed collection inventory, and so much to do for the fall season. Whether you plan to grow a winter garden or not, September is a time of preparation for what’s coming next.
In our test garden, our watermelons are growing and stretching out across the garden. After we applied a batch of compost tea to the garden, we’re seeing new fruit setting on old tomatoes. We’re pinching basil to keep it growing strong, and we’re harvesting our first Fuji apples before (or maybe not before) the rats get them.
In this newsletter, you’ll find a handy list of September tasks to get you ready for fall gardening. If you’ve never grown a winter garden, and your climate allows, don’t miss the opportunity. Everything grows better in fall, pests are practically a non-issue, and you don’t need to water as much. Join us in growing something tasty to eat this fall. You’ll be glad you did.
Happy Gardening,
2. Fall Garden Prep

There’s a lot to do before planting a fall garden. Here are some helpful tips for getting it all done:
Bed Prep – watch our YouTube video on how to prep your planter beds for your next crop.
Fall Garden Planting Guide – scroll down to find the list of what to grow this fall. Plot out your crops on paper and then start seeds.
Take Stock of Seeds – go through your seed collection and open the packets to make sure you have more than 3 broccoli seeds in there. Make a list of wants and needs for the season, then stock up on favorites. Many seed companies are offering end-of-season sales, so take advantage.
Seed Starting Soil – we’ll help you choose the best soil for starting seeds indoors.
Build a Compost Pile – whether you are putting the garden to bed for winter or just getting started with fall gardening, it’s time to compost summer biomass.
Clean Those Tools – watch our simple video on how to clean your tools before the season starts.
Order bare root crops – Now is the time to decide on and order bare root fruit trees, and perennial crops like asparagus, rhubarb, strawberries etc. for winter delivery. Our favorite resource for bare root everything is Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply.
Order Garlic, Onion sets, Shallots & Seed Potatoes, too – Yep, that’s on the list as well. Order now for October planting of these bulbs and tubers. Southern climates should opt for short day onions and softneck garlic, while northern gardeners should get long-day onions and hardneck garlic varieties. Our favorite source for certified organic seed potatoes is Wood Prairie Farm.
It may seem like a lot, but it’s fun to dive in and plan something new. Take it slow and enjoy the process. You’ll reap the benefits of a delicious winter garden as a result.
3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month – Celebrating the Garden Lifecycle

We live in a world where beauty is celebrated and anything past its prime is pushed into a dark corner. In gardening, we have the opportunity to celebrate aging and death. With the death of annual plants comes new life. Seeds form on dying lettuces, in spent beans, in overgrown squashes.
Now is the time to save seed and reap the benefits of death. Take time to let plants go to seed, to observe how seeds scatter to the ground. Throw dried seeds into a corner and water it. We’ll find that nature does a lot of the work for us if we let things get messy.
September is a time of transition from summer to fall crops. Before you pull those ugly brown marigolds, crumble the seed heads in your hand to start nature’s process all over again. Take pictures of seed heads and post them to social media. Let’s bring light to this different kind of beauty.
Learn how to save seeds from these plants:
Arugula * Celery * Carrot * Dill (also cilantro, parsley & lettuce) * Kale * Mustard Seed * Orach * Poppy * Tomato *
4. Gardenerd Product of the Month – Gardening for Geeks
Need help planning out your fall garden? Gardening for Geeks has a step-by-step guide to ease you through the process. Learn how to efficiently plan your seasonal garden with Gardening for Geeks by your side. It’s a great reference for both spring and fall gardening no matter where you live.
Stay tuned for more tips and tidbits from Happy fall gardening!
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