In this issue:
- July in the Garden
- Podcast: Why Trees Matter with Dan Lambe
- Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Tomato Blight
- Gardenerd Product of the Month: Garden Variety – Your Summer Reading
1. July in the Garden – Summer Harvests
July celebrates the true summer harvest time. Tomatoes take center stage and in some climates, so does tomato blight. But the abundance of fruits and vegetables filling the harvest basket in July is why we garden, isn’t it? Whether you grill, bake, saute, or broil your harvest, these meals are the most satisfying because we grew them at home.
In the Test Garden this month, the sweet corn had reached the milk stage and we’re cooking it on our HomeBioGas outside. We’re picking yard-long beans, tomatoes, spaghetti squash, basil, cucumbers, strawberries, and green onions. The winter squashes are setting fruit, and a couple watermelons are doing the same. Peppers and eggplants are doing their thing. It’s looking to be a tasty summer! Oh, and we moved our fruit tree protection contraption over to the Fuji apple tree after successfully harvesting all the nectarine. So far, all those apples are safe and sound!
In this newsletter, you’ll find our latest podcast about the importance of planting trees. And we share information about tomato blight from our local expert and friend, Dean Cleverdon (see below). And if you’re growing indoor herbs this summer, this quick read offers tips from yours truly as well as other experts on the subject.
Happy gardening,

2. Podcast: Why Trees Matter with Dan Lambe

This episode of the Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast features Dan Lambe, CEO of the Arbor Day Foundation. We discuss the myriad reasons why it’s important to plant trees.
Why Trees Are Important with Dan Lambe
3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month – Tomato Blight

It happens to the best of us. Environmental conditions and other factors bring blight into your garden. Tomatoes suffer the brunt of it. Our friend Dean Cleverdon has been fighting blight for years. Read his advice on how to prevent it and keep it from ruining your tomato crop this year.
4. Gardenerd Product of the Month – Garden Variety – Autographed Copies Available!

Garden Variety is the perfect choice for summer vacation reading, garden clubs, book clubs, and gifts. Available in paperback, CD, and audiobook anywhere books are sold. Order from your favorite bookseller (and get autographed copies direct from Gardenerd), or organize a book signing event near you (details may change based on pandemic restrictions).
We also have autographed copies of 2020’s Gardening for Geeks, and 2021’s Grow Your own Mini Fruit Garden.
Stay tuned for more tips and tidbits from Gardenerd.com. Happy summer harvests!

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