Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast

This week's Tip of the week is our first that is broadcasting on iTunes.  You can subscribe by going to iTunes (which is downloadable for free) or you can visit our home page and click on the Podcast icon under the Latest Gardenerd News.  For those with less inclination in the ways of the computer.  Just click below and listen.  Enjoy!


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Seed Germination Test – now on iTunes! is proud to announce that we are now podcasting on iTunes!  If you open iTunes and type Gardenerd into the search box in the top right hand corner of your screen you, then click on the Podcasts (see all) display, you will be taken to the page where you will find our little green and white logo with the famous Gardenerd carrot. 

The first 3 Tips of the Week are posted and the new one for the week of March 9th should show up Monday morning.  In the meanwhile, here it is for your listening enjoyment.  Feel free to send feedback to  We're ...

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First Organic Gardening Class a Success!

Last Saturday, February 23rd, a group of new and veteran gardeners gathered in Mar Vista to discuss one thing - soil.  We talked dirty.  Um - I mean, we talked about dirt.  I'm talking about the Gardenerd Organic Gardening Series. 

In the first class, The Basics 1, we covered all the glorious components of what makes up good soil.  We played in the garden, got dirt under our nails, and learned a little about composting to boot.  Everyone took home a 1 gallon plastic bag full of spent coffee ground for their own gardens.  Mary walked away with something else ...

Continue ReadingFirst Organic Gardening Class a Success!

Gardenerd is Featured on Low Impact Living

Just a quick note to let you know that is featured in a guest blog entry on Low Impact  Special thanks to Jessica Jensen who gave us a place on the homepage for today, February 20th, 2008.

Check out this great website, packed full of wonderful ideas for living the green life.  Whether you rent or own, there are plenty of ideas to help you lessen your carbon footprint.  Visit and have a great day!


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Dumpster Diving for Coffee Grounds

What would make a person don gloves and a shovel to dig through a dumpster for coffee grounds?  This isn't a case of being thrifty, like the nuns in my grade school who would re-use tea bags and tissues until they disintegrated.  No, I'm not making weak coffee with old filters and spent grounds here.  I have bigger plans.

Coffee grounds are a highly coveted commodity both before and after they're used.  Walk by any Starbucks and the lines out the door (or in the drive through) will tell the tale.  It's the "after" part that leaves most people hanging.  Why ...

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Gardenerd is podcasting now!

Big News here in the land of Gardenerd.  We're
now podcasting the Tip of the Week!  Click below to
hear it.  We'll let you know when we get placement
on iTunes (hopefully soon) so you can subscribe and get the Tip of the
Week delivered right to your MP3 player. 

Seed-Starting for a better tomorrow

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Registraton is now open!

It's been a little quiet here on the Gardenerd blog.  Reason being - Time Warner Cable decided to display its flare for deplorable service for 10 days.  However, rather than shout from the rooftops about my newfound "strong dislike" of Time Warner Cable, I'll change the subject and head in a direction that makes me much happier.


If you haven't heard, we're going to be teaching a series of 4 basic organic gardening 101 classes starting February 23, 2008.  Sign up now, because space is limited.  Click the link below to go ...

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Announcing – Organic Gardening Class Times and Dates!

The VIP group already got this information earlier in the week, but I don't want to leave anyone out of the loop:



Saturday, February 23, 2008, 9:30 a.m. - The Basics 1 - Soil, Soil Amendments and Fertilizers

Saturday, March 1, 2008, 9:30 a.m. - The Basics 2 - Small Space and Container Gardening

(No class on March 8th)

Saturday, March 15, 2008, 9:30 a.m. ...

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