Squirrels: Cute and Fuzzy, or Destructive Rats in Pretty Coats

A desperate gardenerd writes in:

“Help! Squirrels are devouring the fruits (or vegetables) of my labor. My sweet little tomatoes, my succulent squash–all gone. They’re cute little animals and all, but they’re not that cute. How can I deter them?”

Alas, I hear your cries.  I’ve gone toe-to-toe on a few occasions with our well-dressed woodland friends, and my mother has shared stories of the same decimating her yard as well.  They stare defiantly at me (sideways out of one eye) as I threaten them with death, seeming to say, “bring it on.”  There are many reported techniques that work – some better than …

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A Stinky Affair: the tale of a trip to the Gilroy Garlic Festival

In honor of the pile of
garlic bulbs which are curing on the counter behind me, it felt appropriate to reach into the archives and re-print an article I wrote for the Ocean View Farms newsletter several years ago. I hope
you enjoy it:

A Stinky Affair

It was a hot and sunny day in Gilroy. Despite my
olive skin and heavy doses of SPF 25, I still managed to develop a driver’s …

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Enjoying a West Coast Fall

Right about this time of year, I start to chuckle as I walk through my garden.  As I look down at the happy, perky, green leaves of my lettuce, arugula,…

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Irises, Irises, who needs some Irises!

A gardener writes in: My Iris are just about finished blooming.  The plants are very crowded and overgrown.  What's the best way to prune/thin this area of my garden.Thanks! The…

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Indoor herb gardening

While Spring is just around the corner, many people are itching to have fresh herbs at the ready.  In places where temperatures remain chilly at least until April, what's a NYC foodie…

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