Gardenerd’s Trusted Links & Resources

Check back often for newly added links. Some of the links below include an affiliate link. Gardenerd makes a few cents with these affiliate programs. Thanks for your support! Seeds…

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New Edible Landscape for a Cottage

Back in November, I got a call from a woman who wanted to turn her front and back yard into an edible landscape. She had seen me on Food For
Thought with Claire Thomas, and felt instinctively that Gardenerd was the right hire for the job.

We worked together to come up with ideas: moving existing baby fruit trees to permanent homes in the front yard, adding a vegetable garden and more fruit trees in the backyard. She …

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The Trick to Bigger Garlic

A question came in to Ask Gardenerd this week:

“Hi, I’ve just harvested my garlic and it’s ok but a little small. Any tips to get it fatter. John, ps Love your site”

Thanks for writing in John, and I’m glad you like the website. Since your email address seems to be in Australia, it makes sense that you would be harvesting garlic right now.

I have my own answers to growing big garlic, …

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Pruning Asparagus

A question came in to Ask Gardenerd this week:

Could you please help me understand how to
trim my 4’ tall asparagus patch that was planted in the fall? Does it need to turn completely brown? How low do I trim it?

Great question, and the answer can be confusing, because there are two schools of thought on the matter. Many gardeners, including those at Peaceful …

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Thanksgiving Weekend To-Do List

Begin your holiday season with a ritual of planting something now for the spring that is to come. Bulbs will bring you color and cheer before most plants recover from…

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Petaluma Seed Bank Field Trip

Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company holds a place in the heart of many an organic vegetable gardener. Their gorgeous seed catalogs are the industry standard of “garden-porn”, with beautiful pictures of
hundreds of varieties many eyes have never seen before.

While away on a writing retreat, I stopped by their West Coast store, the Seed Bank. It is aptly named because it is located inside an old bank. A corner building in the center of town proudly
displays Heirloom Seeds in the two-story bank windows. You can’t miss it.

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False Garlic – you lie, you lie, you lie.

I don’t know where it comes from, but it shows up in the strangest places. Unannounced, just after the rain, it pokes its slender leaves up through the soil to bring
terror to the fastidious gardener. I’m talking about false garlic.

False garlic (Nothoscordum borbonicum Kunth)  is found primarily in California, Oregon and the Southeastern states, as well as some warmer parts of Europe. It’s pretty, but
don’t be deceived. This little bugger will infest a garden and is …

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Kohlrabi – the Alien Vegetable

As most brassicas go, broccoli is pretty attractive, and cabbage conjures comforting thoughts of Irish stews and Asian stir-fry dishes. There’s one brassica, however, that
makes people double-take when they see it on the shelves of the produce aisle: kohlrabi.

Kohlrabi looks something like a broccoli stem that had its molecules reorganized in the transporter (sorry, couldn’t avoid the Trekkie reference). It has leaves like broccoli, but instead of the
long stalk, it has a bulb at the base of …

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