Seed Library: Check it Out!

In the quest for self-reliance, seed saving plays a big part. After all, in a "zombie apocalypse" situation you wouldn't be able to run to the store to buy seeds…

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Ask Gardenerd: Save Seeds …then what?

I love these kinds of questions:

“I was unable to attend to my garden for a few weeks and some of my chard, salad greens and cilantro plants shot up and are close to flowering. I’ve never collected seeds before, but I’ll try.
What do I do with the plants afterwards? Keep or remove them?  Thanks, Nazie”

Nazie, thanks for writing in. Before we talk about what to do with the plants, let’s start with a few seed saving tips. …

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Updated – New 2012 Spring/Summer Seed Collection

It’s time to start thinking about the future, and whether that’s the upcoming holiday season or next year’s garden, Gardenerd is here to motivate you. What better way to start the ball rolling than a
tour through the new 2012 Spring/Summer Seed Collection?

Each year we select our favorite heirloom varieties, or coveted heirlooms that we’ve been dying to grow. We choose a trusted seed source that takes the Safe Seed Pledge and promotes bio-diversity by
offering heirloom and open pollinated varieties that you can grow, save and plant again year after year. …

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Harvesting Seeds: Nematicidal Marigolds

As you pull out your tomato plants this fall, check the roots for galls. These are lumpy swellings that indicate that you might have nematodes living in your soil that are stunting the tomato plant’s
growth. (You can learn more about it from our Got Nematodes podcast)

We had that problem last year so we planted Golden Guardian Marigolds, the roots of which contain a toxin that kills harmful nematodes. Now it’s time to harvest the seeds and turn the crop under so
it can do its job.

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Seed Catalog Highlights

I love the sound of seed catalogs dropping into the mailbox. There’s a particular “clunk” of distinctive heft that only a thick garden catalog can make. I keep a pen close at
hand as I dog-ear the pages and circle interesting new varieties, dreaming of their vibrance in the garden.

This year heirloom varieties are popping up all over. The hunt for biodiversity is on, and we’re part of the plan for preservation. If you are into seed-saving, here are …

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Saving Money through Gardening

This morning an article appeared in my inbox from Kitchen Gardeners International that I thought I would share. It felt appropriate to post it because the main question that was asked of those of us who participated in the recent Nightline interview was, “Does this save you money?”  While I couldn’t really summarize the ways in which home growing saves me money, this article really nails down an concrete answer.  Enjoy!  

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Save the Seeds!

Seed-saving can be easy and economical. Learn to save cilantro and sweet pea seeds with this handy tip of the week.

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