New Gardenerd Hand Care Kit — How it came to be

I’m a self-proclaimed soap whore.  Let me clarify…I love bar soap.  None of that anti-bacterial frothing pump stuff for me thank you very much.  I
need a bar I can roll around in my hands, something that cuts through the layers of green tomato plant juice in the summer.  Something that scrubs away the dirt under my nails, but leaves
feeling like I’ve just done something decadent for myself.

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HR 875 – Organic Consumers Association’s take on it

In an effort to read more into the recent rumor (or ‘myth’ as the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) has put it) about HR 875 and the idea that it would ban organic farming, I found that the OCA website has been either hacked or blocked by every major search engine out there.  It smells of conspiracy, since they are the voice of the people when it comes to organic standards and food safety.  Not that I’m a conspiracy theorist, but I thought it was uncanny that while e-mails are flying around about this bill, the …

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Going Native

An enthusiastic gardenerd writes in:

Where can I get a variety of CA native plants are cheap or free?  I’ve got a 30 X 25 foot area that has been cleared of weeds, etc and is screaming to go native!”

Congratulations on the weeding, first of all, and secondly your decision to go native.  There are a  lot of ways to get native plants for your area, not
all of them are legal.  It really depends on how quickly you want to your garden to take shape.  Here are a few suggestions:

Let’s start with Free.  The most free way …

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What to do with all that Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is a winter squash, which means that unlike zucchini and yellow
crookneck squash, it will last in your cellar or pantry all winter long. Other
winter squashes include pumpkin, acorn, Hubbard (the squash that get so large,
it is supposed to cure world hunger), spaghetti and the
heirloom Delicata.   

Harvesting butternut squash in the
fall is one of most satisfying experiences in the garden.  You’ve waited
all summer long for the skin’s color to change from pale green to creamy
beige.  You’ve watched as the leaves start to turn brown and whither …

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