In this issue:
- June in the Garden
- YouTube: Solving Squash Problems
- Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Corn Earworm Prevention
- Gardenerd Product of the Month: Garden Variety – Perfect Summer Reading!
1. June in the Garden – Solstice Happens
Summer solstice began on June 21st. The longest day of the year is fleeting, but we gardenerds will make the most of these long days while they last. This is when harvesting begins in earnest. I see tomato pics on Instagram, videos of basil transformed into pesto, and flower patches exploding with color. My farmers tan was SO much more noticeable when I put shorts on for the first time this week. Oh the glare!
In the Test Garden this month, we’re picking tomatoes, basil, and zucchini so far. Winter squash is setting fruit, and cucumbers are flowering. We built a contraption to protect our nectarine tree (more on that in a future post) and so far it’s working – take that, squirrels! Apples, sweet corn, and watermelons are all doing their thing. It’s time to feed these crops again if you haven’t this month. It’s also time for loads of zucchini recipes (click through to the blog post on that YouTube video below for ideas). We also had time to review a pair of long-sleeved gardening gloves recently.
In this newsletter, you’ll find our latest YouTube Video about squash problems. Are your squashes rotting or dropping off? This video tells you why. And we share our tried and true trick for keeping corn ear worms out of your corn this season. Lastly, Join me on Day 4 at the online urban food summit, Spring Into Healthy Food 2. I’m one of many featured experts sharing gardening advice (including Dr. Elaine Ingham!) June 27 – July 1 and July 4-July 8. Solstice happens, so let’s enjoy it while we can.
Happy gardening,

2. YouTube: Squash Problems – Fruit Dropping or Rotting?

Our latest video explains why summer and winter squashes drop off or rot before they mature. Our solutions will have you overwhelmed with zucchini in no time. Watch here:
YouTube: Solving Squash Problems – Fruit Rotting or Dropping Off?
3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month – Corn Ear Worm Prevention

With corn tasseling out and sending up silks, it’s time to act fast to prevent corn ear worms from ruining your harvest. This video will help you employ a simple tool for success.
YouTube: Protecting and Harvesting Corn
4. Gardenerd Product of the Month – Garden Variety – Autographed Copies Available!

Garden Variety is the perfect choice for summer vacation reading, garden clubs, book clubs, and gifts. Available in paperback, CD, and audiobook anywhere books are sold. Order from your favorite bookseller (and get autographed copies direct from Gardenerd), or organize a book signing event near you (details may change based on pandemic restrictions).
We also have autographed copies of 2020’s Gardening for Geeks, and 2021’s Grow Your own Mini Fruit Garden.
Stay tuned for more tips and tidbits from Gardenerd.com. Happy summer solstice!

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