In this issue:
- April in the Garden
- The Return of the Victory Garden
- Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Composting Answers
- Gardenerd Product of the Month: Gardening for Geeks 2020
April in the Garden
Spring is in full swing here at Gardenerd HQ. We’re harvesting crops, prepping beds, and planting seeds and seedlings to keep the garden churning out life-giving produce during the Covid-19 lockdown.
In our Test Garden, we’re harvesting carrots, kale, lettuces, cabbage, green onions, peas, potatoes, turnips, parsnip, and Swiss chard. We’re pulling spent mustard greens, lettuces, and arugula, and planting seeds for more while it’s still cool. Strawberries and citrus trees are blooming, and we’re eating the first loquats (before the rats can get them). It’s time to plant summer squash, cucumbers, and beans in warm winter climates. Oh! and we seeded basil, and transplanted tomatoes and peppers this week. There’s so much to do!
Check out this week’s new video on composting, and stay tuned for more online classes to help you garden successfully this spring. Stay safe, stay at home, and wash your hands!
Happy gardening,

2. Return of the Victory Garden
Our colleagues who run garden centers and nurseries are inundated with orders for vegetable seedlings right now. This is a good thing. We’ve been anticipating the resurgence of the Victory Garden since the last recession. There’s never been a better time to grow some of your own food. Here are some resources so far to help you along the way:
Coronavirus Garden Primer– our recent blog post has tons of resources about how to prep beds for planting, start your garden from seed, and much more.
Quick Crops to Grow Now– Watch this YouTube video on what quick crops to grow now for a harvest in a few weeks.
Gardenerd Search – Our archives have tons of free information on growing and harvesting crops. Just type, “growing xx” in the search box on Gardenerd.com. Replace xx with any veggie you’re trying to grow and you’ll find information about it in our search results. Give the page time to load. It’s search more than 10 years of blog posts, newsletters, and more.
Enjoy growing a Victory Garden this spring and pick at least one new thing to try. Gardening is not cancelled!
3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month – Composting Answers

Make sure your victory gardens have a compost bin! Our latest YouTube video answers questions about composting. Watch this 10 minute video to get started on composting your food waste, turning it into gardeners’ gold.
YouTube: Answers to Your Composting Questions
4. Gardenerd Product of the Month – Gardening for Geeks
Gardening for Geeks is now available on Gardenerd.com. This updated version will help you plant victory gardens for everyone in your family. It includes 6 new plant profiles, and updated resources and terminology. Some distributors still show the book as back-ordered, but we’re working with the publisher to resolve the issue. Stay tuned and…
Stay tuned for more tips and tidbits from Gardenerd.com. Happy spring gardening!

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