In this issue:
- March in the Garden
- New YouTube Video: Italian Vegetable Pronunciations
- Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Spring Garden Planning List
- Gardenerd Product of the Month: Gardening for Geeks
1. March in the Garden
Finally, it’s spring. The equinox has come, Daylight Saving Time has begun, and sprouts are jumping up in the garden. The air is filled with fragrant wisteria. Strawberries and blackberries are flowering. We come out of our own winter hibernation, too, and emerge into spring growth. What’s not to love about this time of year?
In our Test Garden, we’re transplanting Glass Gem popping corn from seed trays to the garden this week. It’s early for some, but we like to get a jump on things. We’re feeding fruit trees as they flower (citrus, nectarine, plum) and harvesting lettuces, carrots, green onions, and beets. We’re planting spring crops with clients (Need help? Give us a call!) and our tomato seeds are sprouting in seed trays (we’re planting out late this year – May). A new crop of direct-seeded lettuces are also sprouting. It’s such a great time to be alive!
We’re here to help, So Cal gardenerds. We’ve got our Spring Garden Planning Workshop on April 2, and our Composting Workshop on May 1st. There are still a few seats left. Details and registration online here. However you jump into spring gardening, enjoy the process. This is the stuff of life!
Happy Gardening,
2. New YouTube Video: Italian Vegetable Pronunciation
Have you ever wondered how to say Lacinato or Chioggia? We’ll share the right way to pronounce these and other Italian words so you can get it right every time. Check out our latest You Tube video that will coach you toward successful Italian pronunciation. Impress your garden friends, or just that gnome on the front lawn.
Italian Vegetable Pronunciation
And if you like what you see, Like, Subscribe, and Share it with your friends.
3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month – Spring Garden Planning List
Every year we publish the spring garden planting list as a quick reference to get you growing in the garden as soon as you hit your last frost date. If you live in warm-winter climates, focus on the warm and hot weather crops now. If you live in a frosty winter climate, focus on cool weather crops now. Here’s your list:
Cool Season crops (after snow melts and soil thaws):
Brassicas – broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, etc.
Root Crops – carrots, parsnips, beets, turnips, radishes.
Greens – lettuces, arugula, mustard greens, Swiss chard, spinach
Herbs – cilantro, parsley, dill, oregano, thyme, etc.
Onions – bulbing and green, garlic, shallots, etc.
Grains – wheat, quinoa, rye, amaranth
Others – peas, potatoes, celery, and perennials like asparagus and rhubarb
Warm Season crops (if high temps are over 65-70 degrees now)
Some of the above – only if it stays cool in your neck of the woods
Beans – bush and pole (try limas if you haven’t)
Cucumbers – try something new like Poona Kheera or Mexican Sour Gherkin
Corn – sweet, flint and popping corn
Nightshades – eggplant, tomatoes, peppers (and potatoes work too in warm weather)
Okra – oh, and collard greens
Squash – summer and winter squash are both grown in spring/summer. It’s how long they store that determines their type. Summer squash: zucchini, yellow crookneck, patty pan, etc. Winter options: pumpkin, butternut, acorn, Delicata, etc.
Melons and watermelons – both need warm temperatures to flourish.
Herbs – basil, mint, all mentioned above.
4. Gardenerd Product of the Month – Gardening for Geeks
Spring is here, and Gardening for Geeks is the perfect companion for all things gardening. Learn how to prep your beds, build new beds, make your own potting soil, plant seeds, grow biointensively and so much more! Be prepared, get Gardening for Geeks.
Gardening for Geeks – autographed copies available too!