1 Potato, 2 Potato…

If there's one thing I unwittingly repeat over and over again, it's this:

You haven't lived until you've grown your own potatoes.

Potatoes have been part of my garden for years.  They are comfort food for some, or the carb from hell for others, but aside from tomatoes, they are the quintessential vegetable (okay, tuber) to grow as a home gardener. 

About a month ago, I planted an assortment of seed potatoes in my back yard garden.  I obtained them from Wood Prairie Farm in Maine, where they sell organic, non-GMO seed potatoes and other organic vegetable seeds.  I was thrilled to ...

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Gardenerd Appearing in Mar Vista

Hey local gardenerds, here's a chance to get something for free!

I will be giving a free organic gardening lecture at the Mar Vista Farmer's Market on Sunday, May 18th at 10:00 a.m.  We will be set up at the Mar Vista Community Council booth with plenty of chairs for everyone. 

The Mar Vista Farmer's Market is located at Venice Blvd. on Grand View, by the post office.  Wear a hat, and come get the free scoop on gardening this spring.



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Small Space Gardening – a Container of Fun

This morning, six fellow gardenerds joined me for the Small Space and Container Gardening class.  We had a range of gardening space situations, from a no-space garden to patio and rooftop gardens, and even someone with a back yard that has a little bit of soil for a vegetable garden.  Most were beginning gardeners, but we had a couple intermediate level green thumbs as well.

We watched a little video about Square Foot Gardening, talked about terra cotta versus plastic pots.  We discussed the recent article about a three year container garden test trial from Ed Smith where he found that ...

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Hello Garden

Gardenerdiness seems to be a theme this week.  Why fight it?  This is just too darn cute to pass up...

So I was at my brother's house visiting my niece, when my sister-in-law and I got to talking about gardening.  She's been into gardening for awhile and says the "h" in "herbs" because she's Welsh.  There's a long history of proper gardening in Great Britain, and you might imagine my sister-in-law to be pretty straight laced and formal because of that.  The truth is, I don't know many straight-laced Welsh gardeners with fuchsia hair and chunky black leather Doc Martin's that lace up to the knee. She's a ...

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Gardening at Night

Warning: This blog entry is a pure, unadulterated display of Gardenerdiness. 

Tonight I satisfied a desire I've had for years - to garden in the dark, after the sun has completely set.  It's a desire I've never been able to indulge in because my gardening space, the community garden, closes at sunset.  Now that I am a homeowner, the world is my oyster, so to speak, as far as living out my nighttime gardening fantasies.  Now, I'm not talking about gardening outside where it's well-lit.  I'm talking about piercing the night's dark shroud with good old fashioned geek gear - a head ...

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Starting Them Young

On Easter, I spent some time with my brother and his wife and their 20 month year old daughter, Arianwen (that's a Welsh name, pronounced Ar-e-ahn-wen).  Not only am I completely in love with this child, I am completely biased in believing that everything she does is magical and fabulous.  This Easter proved to be no different, when Arianwen began to garden right before my eyes. 

Since it fits into our theme, I felt compelled to share some home videos.  I know, I know, it's ridiculous to think that anyone would be interested in watching my niece garden, but it's ...

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Pickin’ and Plantin’

I just got back from my plot at Ocean View Farms community garden.  It's seems that the heat wave has drawn everyone out into the garden this late afternoon.  As the cloud cover started to provide some relief from the 90 degree weather, the breeze actually did its job of cooling us off. 

Today I planted out some Jalapeño peppers and Anaheim chili peppers.  I also planted out the eggplants that, along with their peppery friends had been sitting under grow lights for the last couple of months.  I'm hoping they will take off once they get established.  ...

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A Feel-Good Moment in Gardening History

Last Sunday, April 20th, the New York Times Magazine published a new article by Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma, In Defense Of Food, and a piece that eloquently explains the flaws of our existing farm bill.  This new article basically validates our existence as organic gardeners, and it brings me great pleasure to pass it on to you, my fellow Gardenerds.  

It's a little lengthy, but completely worth the read.  You'll feel good in the end.  Enjoy.

Why Bother?


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Happy Earth Day

Every year on Earth Day, I try to be out in my garden for at least part of the day.  Today, I'm behind a desk, and my garden is calling me from afar.  What can you do from behind a desk on Earth Day?  Well, surf the net for Earth Day celebrations, environmental tips and other great information. 

Both Google and Yahoo have featured Earth Day pages today:



There are also some other great environmental websites that draw attention to climate change all year round:



If you are able to get out and plant something, here ...

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Spring Vegetable Article on Low Impact Living.com

Just a quick note that a new article I wrote on veggies that grow in spring has been published on the www.lowimpactliving.com blog.  If you want to go directly there, you can click here:


Check out the rest of the website for great tips on lowering your carbon footprint in your daily lives. 

Happy Gardening!


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