Do or Die Daffodils

A question came in this week from a concerned gardener:

I bought a potted daffodil plant which originally had 3 beautiful
daffodils in bloom. They are not gone with no new potential blooms.
What should I do with the bulbs. Plant them outside now or ??  Thank you."

Daffodils are the kind of bulb that come back year after year, but like most bulbs, they send up one flush of flowers and then they are done for the season.  Many people transplant bulbs into their garden after the foliage has died away.  Some bulbs that are sold for holidays ...

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An Ailing Meyer Lemon

A desperate plea came in this week that sounds like a 911 call:

"New meyer lemon dwarf tree doing poorly, yellow leaves, flowers dropped off. So sad....Help! Suggestions?"

You said the magic word - new.  I'm guessing that your lemon tree is suffering from transplant shock in some way.  It can take around 3 weeks for a plant to show signs of it,  but chances of survival are pretty good , especially in winter, if you address it right away.  Here's what I can say about it and other possible problems your tree might be suffering from:

Yellow leaves - There are a ...

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Building a Recycled Compost Tumbler

Someone from my home town wrote in recently:

"I am trying to track down a used food-grade barrel to make a compost tumbler. Do you have any idea where to check? I really want to reuse one and not buy new. I'm in 93065 zip code. (Simi Valley) Preferably it would be one with an lid that can open.Thanks for your help.  PS I live in a small space hence the need for a tumbler. Also I don't think I'll be churning very often so I'm avoiding a bucket composter."

I grew up in Simi ...

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Creating a Concrete Jungle

A brave new gardener sent in this question recently:

"I finally want to have some greenery on my patio. Can you suggest some flowers and foliage that will make it look warm and inviting? I SUCK at this. = )"

Good for you!  It's always a big first step to get growing on a patio, and I have to say, not always successful at first.  Take heart if something doesn't work out the first time, though.  My husband is a firm believer in survival of the fittest.  He'll buy 3 different plants and waits to see which one thrives, then ...

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Rat-Proof Compost Bin

A new gardenerd wrote in recently:

"Any suggestions [for a rat-proof compost bin]?  We do trap and try to control the rats but they just exist and like to
come around compost in our neighborhood."

There must be a global increase in rats this year.  We've been seeing an increase in these critters around our community garden as well.  I had them nibbling away at my tomatoes all summer.   Here are a couple suggestions I can across in my research:

First of all, you will want to make sure that you aren't composting any animal fats, bones or flesh.  Rats are ...

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Easy Plants for Pots

"Love your podcast and website. I am new to gardening. Browsed your site and enjoyed the blog on veggies in a pot. As I start thinking about the spring, I began to ponder the possibility of additional veggies and herbs in "pots." What do you think are the easiest veggies and herbs to plant in pots. Right now I grow watermelon, tomatoes and strawberries in my tiny garden. Any advice? I live in New Mexico in a dry climate. Thanks---David"

Thanks so much for writing in, David. There are some great veggies that will grow in pots, ...

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Garden on the Rocks

A gardenerd wrote in this week:

"We have very rocky soil in No. Calif. What do I need to start a garden in a small area with bad soil. Thanks, Margo."

Well, Margo, first of all let me say that you've got every gardenerd's sympathy right now, but there is hope.  There are many things you can do to work with (or not work with) rocky soil.  Here are a couple of previous blog entries that might help your situation.

This one addresses how you can condition the soil:

This one gives you details about another great option - raised beds.  I ...

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Lots of Flowers, but No Fruit

A frustrated gardenerd wrote in recently:

"Having a little gardening crisis - I planted a second round of zucchini and cucumbers in September. They are large now and have produced many flowers, but no fruit! Other things I planted at the same time are doing well. Beans and peas aplenty. I know pollination is an issue, since what few bees there are right now are OBSESSED with the eucalyptus tree on the other side of the house, not my garden - but I've added some sweet alyssum pots to the garden area, and even poked at the flowers with ...

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