Ask Gardenerd: Why Won’t My Plants Grow?

A familiar question arrived in the Ask Gardenerd Inbox this week:

"Hi Gardenerd!  It's been slow getting started with my garden because my life has been chaotic for a while. Anyway, I started some seedlings inside and potted them in small pots outside and some in a long box but they haven't grown, they still look like seedlings for two months now, and my broccoli raab, red kale, and red romaine wouldn't grow past four or five inches. I'm so discouraged but my sister ...

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Ask Gardenerd: Save Seeds …then what?

I love these kinds of questions:

"I was unable to attend to my garden for a few weeks and some of my chard, salad greens and cilantro plants shot up and are close to flowering. I've never collected seeds before, but I'll try. What do I do with the plants afterwards? Keep or remove them?  Thanks, Nazie"

Nazie, thanks for writing in. Before we talk about what to do with the plants, let's start with a few seed saving tips. ...

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Ask Gardenerd: Spots on My Herbs

A question came in this week to Ask Gardenerd that I have been asking myself for awhile, but never felt compelled to research the answer. Now I have no excuse:

"Hello!   The leaves of many of my herbs have white speckles on them lately. (It almost looks like they're variegated). It's definitely not on the leaves, but more so 'in' the leaves and is appearing on many of the varieties, such as thyme, basil, and cilantro.  Any ...

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Ask Gardenerd: Bugs in my Cabbage

A question came into Ask Gardenerd this week:

"Hi!,  In my garden my cabbage is being infested with these white bugs that look like they fly....I have taken out a couple of my plants that look destroyed but still have more in the ground, also my Brussels sprouts have them too!   I have used spinosad organic killer and I am concerned it will get on my other crops.....what do you recommend??  Thank You!!!   Jill"

You're not alone Jill. Many people ...

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Peat Moss vs. Sphagnum Moss and more

The mailbox of Ask Gardenerd has been receiving some great questions this week. Here's another about the difference between moss and moss:

"A question about moss... What is the difference between peat moss, sphagnum moss, and the green moss that grows around the ground?  Going into the 3rd year with my raised bed, and it has many patches of green moss. Is this detrimental to the plants?   Should it be removed or turned back under into the ...

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Ask Gardenerd: How to Build a Mini Greenhouse

A fun question came in to Ask Gardenerd this week:

" I have a big south facing back porch. I would love to make a small greenhouse where I could start seeds and, maybe, even let herbs [over]winter. Do you have ideas for making my own greenhouse?"

There are many options, from a mini-greenhouse to the full-fledged, brick and mortar English greenhouse. I used to create my own mini-greenhouses by taking tomato cages, laying them on their sides ...

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