Wordless Wednesday: Giving the Garden Some Love
Much-needed rain in Los Angeles is giving the garden some love. Here's some inspiration to help get you ready for spring.
Much-needed rain in Los Angeles is giving the garden some love. Here's some inspiration to help get you ready for spring.
As spring approaches slowly, the garden marches on. Winter has been dry here in SoCal. But here's a little sunshine to brighten your week.
Get inspired to grow this season with this motivational Wordless Wednesday.
As seedlings take hold as we enter the wonder-full fall gardening time. Radishes, lettuces, brassicas, peas, and more are filling the beds. Inspiration for your garden!
Here at Gardenerd HQ we're getting it planted. Fall crops are in! Here's some inspiration to help you get it planted too.
In warm-winter climates, fall brings new life as much as spring does. It is a shedding of tired, old plants and a chance to grow new crops for another season.
The shoulder season is what some people call that time between summer and fall. Here's some inspiration to get you through this pause before planting fall crops.
It's fall garden time...or is it? False Fall #1 is about to end in Los Angeles - another week of hot weather is coming soon. Here's some inspiration for the transition to fall.
Summer heat has arrived in Los Angeles. Here's some inspiration to keep you going through the heat.
I'm down with Covid this week, so here's some inspiration to get you through whatever you are dealing with this first week of summer.