Building a Compost Sifter

Back in the middle of winter, we purchased a subsidized compost bin from the City of Los Angeles.  Our Bio Stack has been hard at work in the back yard, thanks to my husband's new fascination with composting.  When I say fascination, I mean obsession.  He's become obsessed with adding kitchen waste and yard trimmings to the compost bin at any opportunity.  Forget about waiting until there's enough for a layer of green or brown.  Anytime the kitchen waste bucket is half-full, it's "time to feed the compost bin".  It's cute actually.  My husband has never really been ...

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No-Dig Gardening in the Times

One of my students from the Gardenerd Organic Gardening Series sent me this article that appeared in the LA Times last Thursday.  It thought I would share it with you here.  It's a great story with how-to instructions for building no-dig soil and raised beds (without borders).  There is also information about a farm exchange program where you can learn a lot by volunteering on a farm.

Thanks, Ramon, for sending this nice tidbit!

Hey folks, you can get the books mentioned in the article by clicking on the links below:


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Makin’ Tomato Cages

They were fending for themselves and getting taller every day.  Critical Mass was about to be reached and it couldn't wait any longer.   My tomatoes needed support.  They were having a breakdown - or a "tip sideways" so to speak.  So I set out to build new cages for my leaning tower of tomatoes at home this weekend.  

For some of you, this might look really familiar, as I talk about the "How-To" of my tomato cages in Christy's Top 5 Organic Gardening Tips, which you can get when you sign up on the Gardenerd website.  For this project, I needed cages that were ...

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Tools of a Different Kind

Warning - nerd alert!

Yesterday, I met with a client to help design the food garden at his new home.  The entire house is being remodeled and is going to be one of the greenest homes in the United States when all is said and done.  Using solar power, recycled materials, and renewable resources, the house is sure to be a centerfold in Architectural Digest or Mother Earth News in the coming year, and I'm thrilled to be part of the process. 

I'm also thrilled that I got to use one of my favorite tools for the job.  It's something I got ...

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Gardenerd Appearing in Mar Vista

Hey local gardenerds, here's a chance to get something for free!

I will be giving a free organic gardening lecture at the Mar Vista Farmer's Market on Sunday, May 18th at 10:00 a.m.  We will be set up at the Mar Vista Community Council booth with plenty of chairs for everyone. 

The Mar Vista Farmer's Market is located at Venice Blvd. on Grand View, by the post office.  Wear a hat, and come get the free scoop on gardening this spring.


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