Up Close and Personal with Compost

Nerd Alert: this blog post may cause irrational desire to look at compost under a microscope. Ever since I took Alane Weber's compost immersion workshop last year, I have been…

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Active Batch Composting

What the heck is "Active Batch Composting" anyway? You're about to find out, but first let's look at another term: Cold composting. Cold composting, though the name is a bit…

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Immersing In Compost

I just completed a 5-day composting intensive workshop presented by Alane O’Rielly Weber. Much like my experience with Jon Jeavon’s Grow
BioIntensive workshop, this intensive class has re-swizzled the way I think about everything underground.

I knew about the Soil Foodweb, the intricate web of microbial life that exists in the soil and facilitates nutrient uptake in plants (which was first written about by Dr. Elaine Ingham), but I
didn’t quite have a handle on how to create a healthy environment for …

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Compost Queries

A question came in this week from a Gardenerd student:

“I’m sharing a Biostack [compost] bin with my neighbors in my apt complex and the question was raised on whether or not it’s acceptable to put whole fruit, apples, oranges, etc. into the bin. I’m
trying to keep the bin simple for people so I am hesitant to tell people to cut up their fruit to help accelerate the composting, but my neighbor thinks they should be. Can you tell me what the

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The Next Step in Urban Homesteading – Keeping Chickens

Call me a control freak, but I like to know where my food comes from. I started growing my own food to get fresh, healthy produce, to use
less water, fewer pesticides and harmful chemicals – but really, to know where my food comes from. That was great, but I thought, “What else can I do to close the loop here?  To be more
self-reliant?”  Composting and

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Compost at the Ready?

All the spring garden questions are coming into Ask Gardenerd this week.  Here’s one now:

Hello! I’m about to start spring planting so I need to amend my soil a
bit. I have a barrel of compost that has been doing its thing for about
10 months. It’s mostly done, but there are still some chunks of leaves. Should I use this compost now or do I need to wait? thanks!

I’m guessing that your compost set up has been one where you add material to it and let it sit, correct?  This would be considered cold composting (which is a misnomer …

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Worm Compost Care & Use

A new question rolled in this week in Ask Gardenerd:

“I have a worm bin that is great for disposing of my kitchen scraps but I really don’t know what to do with the liquid it produces. Also I don’t know how often to “harvest” the compost
produced.  I am new to your website and am so happy I can ask questions. Thanks for your help. – Emily.”

Well Emily, first of all, thunderous applause for using a worm bin!  Kudos all around.  Worm bins, as you already know, are a great way to dispose of your kitchen waste, and to
make wonderful …

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