Propagating Lavender from Cuttings

Here's a question from a former student: "Hey Christy,, I took your Organic Gardening Class at SMC a few months back and I am well on my way to creating my first Organic Garden! I was wondering if you had any information on starting plants from cuttings. We have a giant English Lavender plant next door and I'm not sure how to start a plant by cutting. Thanks Christy! Gurie

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First Garden

A new question came in this week:

"This is my first garden and I have a picket fence. Is this good enough protection from intruders? Also, do I need to plant my seeds in trays first or can I put them directly in the ground?, Thank you from Jackson, MI., Theresa,  P.S. I loved your braiding the garlic video. great job. I think i will grow garlic also."

Thanks Theresa, we had fun putting that garlic braiding video together. Now, about your picket fence...


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Materials for Raised Beds

It's spring, and everyone is out in the garden. This question came in this week:

"What type of material do you use for constructing raised beds? We've done some raised beds in redwood, but we are concerned that they will rot. What is a safe and long lasting sealer to use for wood raised beds? or are there other economical composite materials to use in constructing beds?  Thanks, Yasi"

Great question, Yasi. I've built raised beds out of many different ...

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Composting, Worms and Shade Gardening

Another great question came in this week:

"Hello, I have a worm bin that I use to throw all my compostable items in such as veggies,eggshells, paper etc. I also have a big compost bin next to my worm bin, it is about a quarter full. I throw junk mail and grass clippings, tree clippings, whatever is too big for my worm bin goes in this big bin. Could I add worms to this big bin as well to aid in the speed of the ...

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Kale and Aphids – not a tasty treat

It must be that time of year again... here come the questions about aphids:

"The leaves on Russian kale plants have a gray aphid looking bug on them. They cluster on the leaves. How to get rid of them and keep them off. Water doesn't seem to do much."

First of all I have to say that if you planted your kale in fall, the plants are probably just finished for the season and should be pulled. My kale plants bit ...

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Hot Pepper Tutorial

A fun question came in this week to Ask Gardenerd:

I am growing a pretty decent size garden in Santa Monica, and I very much appreciate your tips and help! (i.e. Mulch Pit in Culver City). We are culinary people who have found a true love in gardening. We had great success last year in most of our endeavors (38 tomato plants thanks to your fabulous cradle structures) but one category we fell short in was our peppers.  We tried to grow several types ...

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Wildflowers in Clay Soil

A recent question came in:

"Hi Gardenerd!,  I enjoyed your podcast about the wildflowers, and as I already had mine purchased, I have a more specific question. Mar Vista = Clay. After weeding, can the seeds just be scattered or does the soil need amending? I bought a Xeriscape blend, and when I started weeding, I was SHOCKED by the density of clay, wet clay at that after all this rain; but, it does drain as there is no puddling. Raised beds for wildflowers ...

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Death of a Garden

A great question came in this week:

"Hi, I started a 8x10 garden in my backyard full of veggies and herbs this past summer, yet everything has died except for a few herbs because I did nothing when it froze here in Dallas...What should I have done if anything to have saved it and how can I start growing things now and what is best to plant. Thanx from newbie gardener.... "

You're not alone this winter. In fact, unless ...

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When Aphids Attack!

A great question came in this week from a cauliflower gardener:

"I was so excited to have just harvested my first cauliflower! It was big, beautiful and infested with little grayish white bugs! (aphids, I think?). I couldn't salvage it because there were literally hundreds embedded just beneath the tops of the florets. I have several other cauliflower plants growing, some are new, some almost ready to harvest. Is there anything I can do to prevent future infestations?"

First of all, congratulations ...

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Winter Citrus Bounty

During the summer months, I'm famous for my lemon sorbet. I use Meyer lemons from the tree outside the back door and feed the finished product to my girlfriends when we get together for high tea or some other summer thing that girls do. Now that it's winter, not many people are thinking about lemon sorbet, except for my friend Orna, who has a tree full of lemons and doesn't know what to do with them. She recently ...

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