Pea Protection

Last week we talked about how to grow peas. Ordinarily it's easy as pie, but what do you do when creatures of the night and/or sky make it their business to snatch up all your delicate sprouts before they have a chance to take hold in the soil? 

You build a fortress.

That's what we did, anyway. We planted 3 rounds of peas, and each time they were plucked out by rats or birds, we can't tell which. So ...

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Bad Haircuts – the Cutworm Way

People aren't the only ones to suffer from a bad haircut every once in a while. Plants get them too. The only difference is that the garden stylist servicing your plants is much less forgiving - in fact, the cutworm's handiwork is usually fatal.

I've done a podcast about this already, but now I have pictures to go with it. So for those of you who haven't seen a cutworm in action, this is for you.

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